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Posts posted by kellyv

  1. I doubt very much AHPRAs assessment will change afterall many overseas applicants withdegrees from their countries have been doing the bridging program for years. Australian nurses have to do the bridging courses if they have left to have a family and have not worked for 5 years (which is nothing, and another story.)

    There is no major nursing shortage and therefore no pressure to import nurses, just some specialties are short of experienced nurses.

    You guys however are probably making aware to many, a very big loophole and ANMC AHPRA disparagy and most likely ANMAC (btw, no nurse applicant has reported on forums to have ever had negative assessment) will change or Immi will stop giving IO out without nursing registration. Or nothing...

    I would not hold your breath on changes to AHPRA assessment.. Some of the tweets to AHPRA I would imagine, are not doing your cause any favours.



    I imagine most nurses would be happy if the 'loophole' was closed then they wouldn't have to waste thousands of $£ to get to Australia and then find themselves claiming benefits! Unless you think nurses spend years training and working to become highly skilled practitioners for no other reason than to migrate on a skilled visa then just live off centrelink payments. GET REAL. And until something is done to address this injustice then people should keep on tweeting and raising awareness as much as they can, because unlike you, most of us would try and support fellow nurses and stop them from having to go through this for nothing!!

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