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Posts posted by kellyv

  1. Sorry everyone second casualty. It was confirmed this morning that I am not getting registered as I do not satisfy criterion 7. However on the bright side it has now been passed to the board to see if I am eligible for the Bridging course. Eligible ??? They are hilarious! They did apologise for all the communication problems between us, so that's ok then all is forgiven. Yeah right! I will do the course as I am not going to let them ruin this move for the family but I won't be going down without a fight. Got the telegraph interview on Thursday, Nursing and Midwifery council called today for all correspondence to be forwards to them and the Labour leader for WA has been in contact through his staff for further info. They think this is the end of dealing with me but it's just the beginning.


    Criterion 7!? I thought it was 4 they were refusing on? Sorry to hear that Welshboy but good on you for fighting it we are all behind you..and good luck.

  2. Long time lurker so thought I'd post!


    Finally after 7 months I have AHPRA registration eligibility! Sent docs off in November 2013 so hopefully they're coming through now.


    Also I have a top up degree and didn't have much hassle as all AHPRA required was proof for criteria 2, 3 and 8.

    Very frustrating process.

    Good luck guys


    Great news Dommo...glad to hear someone with top up degree has been given registration. Thanks for posting and good luck with the visa. Agree with geordiegirl...why not go for 189, you'll only need modified assessment which is half the price! Winner! :)

  3. Hi Colette...just seen your post. I'm also a specialist sexual health/HIV nurse. Where did u work before u did midwifery? With your 2 degrees do you really think you won't get registered? I did diploma in 1999 and have topped up to degree currently awaiting a decision from ahpra. Its a joke I know but I'm staying hopeful! Which part of Aus are u hoping to go to? :)

  4. Laura, I don't think thats really the issue people have. It's more a case of how the ahpra have dealt with the change. Honesty and transparency from the offset would have enabled them to implement the change with minimal disruption. Eg: when they brought out the new application form it should have clearly stated that Diploma only nurses may not be accepted and referral for bridging/further quals may be required rather than publishing this only days ago when nurses are still waiting for a decision from submitting applications months ago! Most nurses are continuing to study/gain more quals anyway as part of their cpd requirements so I don't think people are clutching at straws either. Australia may be short of nursing posts for newly qualified nurses - but Australia generally are only interested in migrant nurses that are highly skilled and experienced so graduate nurses can't fill those posts anyway.

  5. I have had a response from my agent who was contacting Anmac. Basically they are not getting involved and just say that although they work closely together the assessment processes and outcomes are separate. Also they reiterated recieving an LOD from them does not guarantee registration with ahpra. So...not very helpful at all. :thumbdown:

  6. Hi Hanny76. Pretty much the same as you. They sent the module outlines and a letter explaining the points and FHEQ level stating that 'students enter on the course rescinding the diploma and exiting with a degree following successful completion of the modules and dissertation'. One of the modules is now obsolete and there were no course outlines still available from.my diploma as it was so long ago! So...time will tell but they have had everything possible.

  7. Hi Edzi. I have been asked for the exact same criteria. I got Uni to send what was possible and wrote a letter explaining that the clinical component was covered during working as a nurse whilst studying and same for medicines management. However....I am waiting for a decision so who knows if they will accept that! :rolleyes:

  8. Hi Jac....they will want Uni transcript of your degree (is it degree you're doing? - the diploma has ended now hasn't it?). Keep any course unit outlines that basically state every assignment etc you do. Certificate of graduation, proof of clinical and theoretical hours, medicines management. It will probably all be covered in your portfolio anyway and because its recent you should easily be able to get it. Most of us are years qualified so courses have changed hugely.

  9. I've just had an email from my CO saying they have all info required at the moment and they will be in touch (?) with a link to an updated page at Ahpra. Looks like they are covering their backs re: the Anmac/Ahpra disparities. Don't know how to put on here but I have posted it on Twitter.

  10. I contacted my agent yesterday to see if they were aware of the situation because they encourage nurses with diplomas to apply for migration. (of course we know there is no problem at anmac but why would nurses go to Oz if they can't then work!) My agent has emailed her contact at Anmac for info in the situation. Will let you know the response.

  11. Flipflop00 we can see that you are anxious about this - as are all of us who have been waiting, some for many months but unfortunately we know no more than what is posted on here. Ahpra give the same vague answers when anyone contacts them. There is no answer but to keep providing what they ask for sit it out. Ps you only need to post in one of the threads....all nurses in your situation will see your post. ;)

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