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Posts posted by newbie121

  1. Hey snifter,


    I completely understand where you are coming from but please also understand where many of us are coming from. It's great that you planned carefully and were able to remain calm and patient, but hey, I didn't. I'm an emotional, passionate person and I guess I'm using this forum as an outlet for my pent up frustration and also my dark, deep hopes and fears. I know this achieves nothing more than a cathartic release for me and probably others currently in the same position, I know that I should just forget about the application and live my life, I know that I should heed the 8-9 month time frame, I know that there are no guarantees......but hey, 'shoulda', coulda', woulda'. I should have put my life savings on fiorente, but I didn't cos hindsights a wonderfully insightful place to sit and comment from.


    Yes, it is what it is and my emotions are what they are. So forgive us for venting, hoping and perhaps yes, even forgive us a little desperation but that is the nature of the beast that is this wait that has turned a very normal, pretty well adjusted girl like me into the loon that presents itself here!


    I promise to return to normal....once the visa is granted...



    I'm with you on this Chany! completely 100% know. I'm a May offsore applicant and the first few months absolutely flew by because i was on the U.K and i was able to do what snifler said just forget about it and live my life. I never even counted the months or looked up a forum like this. However things changed and i had to move out here earlier with my fiance and currently staying with my family

    Now I'm out here I cant work and it's very stressful having no money and rights.


    Basically feels like life is on hold. Cant wait to start planning my wedding and actually settle into Australia.

    You'll all laugh at me but when i read the 8-9 month thing earlier this year my partner and i thought ahhhh it wont take that long hahaha. I've never been so wrong but then again I've never been though anything like this or spent sooo much money on something. There's a lot riding on it. I was completely clueless.

    so this forum has really helped me just knowing there are other people out there who check their emails every day and constantly trying to guess when it arrives. Just good to know I'm not going mad on my own!

    Cant wait to be able to get back on with life!


    I also promise to return to normal.....once the visa is granted!

  2. We had our spousal visa (100) approved yesterday!! Very impressed that it took just 6.5 months rather than the 8-9 months we were advised. Here's our timeline:


    Application submitted: 6 April 2013

    Funds taken: 9 April

    Case officer assigned (DP): 15 April

    Medical: 11 July (police checks around same time)

    Visa approved: 24 October


    This finally feels very real... so happy and slightly nervous all at once.


    Best of luck to everyone waiting to hear back.



    Yeay! Congratulations Ksarah :) That's ace

    Soo good to see more April applicants coming through! Good luck with the move

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