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Posts posted by newbie121

  1. hey guys!

    I just got back from my 3 days offshore in Bali :-) had the BEST time. I had literally been in the country for 6 hrs when I got the email to say I was granted the 100 subclass WOOOOOHOOOO. I got the email as soon as London was awake on Monday. So soo happy...cant believe I am now here in OZ properly and can finally look for a job!

    It's soo frustrating when you hear nothing for months and you feel like your whole life is on hold...don't lose hope peeps.


    Anyway now *normal life can resume* good luck everyone on your visa journeys :-)

  2. Hello everybody,

    Good news for me today. I was granted my visa and went straight to the SC-100 permanent residency. Woo hoo! I'm so excited! It's been such a long, exhausting and frustrating journey, i thought this day would never come.

    Now we can actually make plans for a future with some certainty. There will be more grants for the May / June people still waiting,,, I can feel it in my bones hehe.

    Jonno xx :notworthy:



    aww that's FAB pcbh 86!!! I better you are sooo relieved...it's such a massive weight lifted when it comes through!!


    I totally agree think we are going to see some more May/Early June grants this next couple of weeks! your next BizLarker :-)

  3. Well since the onshore partner visa thread has died a death i'm gonna start posting on this one...


    I was wondering why I hadn't heard anything back when they had taken payment on the 8th, so I marched down to the immi office in Cairns, she took my passport and checked on the computer and said they had sent an email to me on the 10th, I said i hadn't got an email and i've checked my junk folder too, turns out they missed out one fricken letter in my email address so it's gone to somewhere else or lost in cyber space some where. She printed off the email that was sent to me and told me to email immi so they have my real email address. So my application was formally lodged on the 8th, and once my tourist visa expires i'll be on bridging visa A. Relieeeef!


    Awwww BritChickx the exact same thing happened to me early in the process!! went a whole month before I plucked up the courage to ring....and they where like did you not get our email we sent?! haha

    Glad it's sorted now and you'll be on a bridging visa soon..what a relief!

  4. I have no idea as yet as long as it before 17 March it fine, hopefully get it sorted asap, my agent needs at least a weeks notice so it will prob be in 2/3 weeks..... dunno where I will be going yet tho what about you? When are you thinking?


    Cooooool! I am going next week as I am seriously eager to start working to pay for all these offshore flights! Just cant wait to get finally get the actual grant :-)))) very exciting

  5. Checked emails this morning, totally buzzing, had my pre-grant notice to leave Oz so my visa can be granted......YES!!!


    Huge congrats again to everyone who has had their visa's granted, looks like the May applicants are being processed, fingers crossed for everyone still waiting, xxxx


    CONGRATULATIONS! Wooohooo thats awesome yeay :-)

    When are you planning your 3 days offshore???

  6. I shall be shouting it from the rooftop BizLarker hehe. I love Melbourne! Luckily my partner already has his own house in Richmond so we've got a home to go to when we get there.

    Is this your first time in Melbourne? What do you make of it?

    Jonno :)


    pcbh your not long now!!! That's really cool your CO gave you a time frame.

    Melbourne is Amazzzing really enjoying it here. You will love it.


    BizLarker I agree with pcbh I think your grant will come in the next few weeks!


    I herd back from my CO and they said going on Monday morning and coming back Wednesday night was fine....going to book today :)

  7. Hi Newbie, woke to some great news this morning!!!!! Received my email to depart Australia for my visa to be granted!!! Woohoo!!!:))))))))) Have 28 days to let co know my travel plans and have to leave for 3 working days. Will probably go in February some time as my tourist visa is up again at the end of February. Oh the relief!!! Yours won't be too far away now :)



    Chirobarn that FANTASTIC news!!! I just checked my email too :))))))))))))) say's ready to depart Australia for my visa to be granted woohoooooo

    So soo happy I cant stop smiling. Its been a such a long stressful 5 months here in OZ not being able to work. I am soo relieved its over.

    I was prepared to get on a plane today haha...but it says in the email that I have to let her know my travel plans (and get a confirmation email she has revived it) before I leave the country for 3 working days. As London is asleep now it will be Monday.

    Going to spend the rest of the day looking at cheap flights for Monday eeek how exciting


    May applicants and early June....you must be soo close now..next few weeks!!

  8. OMG Newbie121, I am just like you checking every day, got everything crossed for the next couple weeks eeeeeekkkkk, where are you thinking of going when you have to go out the country?


    Me tooooo!! Im seriously checking constantly. I'm really hoping for the next couple of weeks. Next week we hit 8 months...soo close!

    I'm really not sure...where ever is cheapest to be honest! Sooo looking forward to properly settling in :)

    How about you??

  9. Thanks Newbie121. Who is your CO? I've got WP. I've been really patient the past 7.5 months but now i just want it done and dusted. Fingers crossed that we'll hear soon. :-D


    Heyyyy me too...although there has been times where i was less patient and more fustrated with the situation! But the long wait is almost over :))) and the lessons learmt. im sure it will all be worth it in the end!

    My CO is VF (need to sort my tag line sorry) i applied offshore and have been waiting onshore with my partner.

    Will be mid Jan next week so fingers crossed we see some more grants!

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