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Everything posted by speed1439

  1. That will be the one! Fingers crossed for 30th Sept mate!
  2. Wardy82, I'm also on the September course! This is a good post mate, cheers!
  3. Hi, I am flying to Perth on 14th September now i have my PR Visa granted. I am initially staying in a holiday Let in Cooloongup for the first 4 weeks whilst i set up and try and find a long term rental. One of the main focul points for the search will be schools for my children (aged 5 and 3) I have been looking into areas and the below list is are some of the areas we are considering. Atwell Aubin Grove Leeming Coogee Beeliar South / North Lake Cockburn Secret Harbour Baldivis Rockingham Port Kennedy Any Advice / Help / Recommendations in terms of schooling for the above areas will be extremely appreciated. Thank You James
  4. Goochie, Thank You for the above post, i have found it extremely inciteful, informative and interesting. I am a current serving police officer in the UK and have been successful in applying for WAPOL and am due to start on 30th September. Based on todays exchange rates my salary is due to increase significantly. Which by all counts is a massive incentive for the move etc along with all the other standard reasons - family time etc etc etc. On moving i was going to look into finance deals for a car, so thank you for the info about John Hughes cars, something for me to look into, as i have a 186 PR visa now granted. I can only hope that i will be writing something of a similar nature this time next year, after being in WA for 6 months. Once again Thanks for the above. James
  5. Hi, I fly out with the family on 14th September and have booked a holiday let for the first 4 weeks (via ozhouserental!) with a view of finding a long term rental in this time! I've been informed by agents out there that it takes on average 3 weeks to secure a long term rental. We are hoping to lease a car rather than purchase one, due to having a job offer prior to moving! Not entirely sure how i go about it as of yet, but got a couple of months to do some research! Its very exciting and scary at the same time, but sure its going to be well worth it. Good luck to all with the impending moves. James
  6. Hi Guys, Just to update you - My VISA has now been Granted (186 visa) / Flights booked - 14th September! Holiday let booked for the first 4 weeks and Official start date is 30th September. Exciting times lie ahead!!! Good luck to anyone still awaiting results / applying, it'll be worth it in the end. James
  7. I've been looking into Holiday lets for the first 6 weeks or so, they seem quite expensive, but i realise this is probably the most realistic way to rent a property in the short time when i first arrive. Do you know of any decent agents etc? Thanks for your reply!
  8. Hi Nbara2920 If you want to send me a PM, i'll try and answer any questions you may have. Thanks, James
  9. Honest opinions Sought Then, I am hoping to be moving to Perth this year, with a job offering a Basic wage of $70 - $74k, + Shift Allowance of $10k and possible overtime. With this in mind, I have a wife and 2 chldren - aged 4 & 2. Will we be able to afford to live in Perth and what lifestyle will i be able to expect. Hard to ascertain with all the differnce of opinions already posted in this thread :biggrin:
  10. Hi Tazbear Thank you for replying, i was just wondering what force your OH transferred from and how they are finding it in WA? Are they enjoying it and how hard was it adjusting to the new laws and regs etc. I've been looking at the areas around Joondalup, but i've been told if successful i'll be posted in the Met area (Perth CBD, Fremantle or an area within this central location.) With this in mind and from what i've been reading, an area south of the river might be considered better for commute etc (Would you agree?) I like the sound of renting a holiday home etc for the initial training period, which will give me time to find a suberb etc for more permanent renting etc. How did you go about this and are there any particular letting agents / websites i need to be looking at? Apologies for the additional questions, but i thank you in advance.
  11. Thank you for the replies, I'll study the website and forums for best advice
  12. Hi, to all! I am new to Poms in Oz and am getting used to the website! I recently applied for a transfer to WA Police on the recent international recruitment drive and today I've been informed I have passed the initial recruitment processes pending my medical and background checks etc. i was wondering if there is anyone that has gone through the same process as if so what advice can you give me? If I'm successful I'll be moving to Perth wife my wife and 2 children (aged 4 & 2) and I'm trying to ascertain what areas are good for schooling, housing etc Any advice will be greatly appreciated Thanks in advance James
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