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Everything posted by simee

  1. Eid excitement over......looking forward to AHC staff returning to their jobs...a bit selfish of me i know....lollzzzzzzzzz
  2. amz,lahorite,nidz.mukesam,firstknight,adnanm,ftm,stareye,sabi,shezi 82 EID MUBARIK !!!!
  3. hi shigella, Its 6-8 months from wht ive read on another forum Try this forum http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/migration-issues/58449-summary-spouse-visa-processing-times-offshore-uk-please-add-your-stats.html
  4. if its 309 then yes u need to mention all spouse immediate family members (eg,parents,sibling) regardless of whether they are emigrating or not.
  5. Hey lahorite, Whts ur entry into oz deadline ? is it before Pcc expiry or med expiry.........I hope they give ample time to organize stuff.
  6. im feeling so excited for lahorite....!!! lolzzzz Goldcoast where are u ....we need to hear good news from u as well :ssign19:
  7. Goldcoast and lahorite should be getting Visa any day after eid i think Super close to 7th month mark.
  8. hey amz,firstknight who's sehro in the spreadsheet...she's an april applicant and she has a co from june
  9. Hello,if you can share ur timeline im sure someone can answer ur question better https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aq1QPFxE9tRZdEdOTGtsdFBpRkxaWlpaM0lENldJTkE
  10. Subject to visa grant..........that is the answer i think,i also saw the same being written in another 309 app
  11. Hey Firstknight i think 4+ months usually passby before we get CO email just a 2-3 more weeks and u'll hear from them IA
  12. FTM,u can enter ur data here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aq1QPFxE9tRZdEdOTGtsdFBpRkxaWlpaM0lENldJTkE i think it could be early sept if not august
  13. hello ftm, it seeems like visa are granted in 7-8 month ...if u share ur timeline im sure someone will come along and give u some idea
  14. i think when AHC reopen after eid April applicants will start getting emails,july/aug it seems to dedicated for March applicants IA IA IA good news for april apps right around the corner
  15. http://www.pakistan.embassy.gov.au/islm/Visas_and_Migration.html [h=3]Fees and charges[/h] The current application fees and charges are published on the Department of Immigration and Citizenship website. The Department of Immigration and Citizenship website also contains a currency converter to assist you to convert the current charges and fees in Australian dollars to Pakistani Rupees.See: Fees See: Currency Converter All fees and charges must be paid by bank draft in Pakistani Rupees, made payable to the 'Australian High Commission, Islamabad'. Payment cannot be made by cash, personal cheque or credit card. Fees and charges may also be paid at a Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) office in Australia. If payment is made in Australia, an original receipt must accompany the application. Please note that fees and charges are not refundable if an application is withdrawn or is unsuccessful.
  16. My stat declaration has the stamps of notary republic officer..Is that okay ? are they good to send to Co now?
  17. InshAllah jaldee im sure Did they give u an appointement jaldee...were there anymore applicants ?
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