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Everything posted by simee

  1. no amz i have nothing new to report i'll wait for the reply,last time i malied i got a reply after 20 days
  2. hey nidz welcome and walikum asalam, yeah you should have gotten the letter by now did u call in the morning coz most of the time my calls were recieved in the morning and if i call after 1:00 pm then they would say call at 8 in the morn MON-THURS if they dont pick up i usually wait for the operator to take my call and then she redirects to the immi side
  3. well i hope not.... but lets see ...they did say to submit form 80 pcc when requested.......hey did u send nadra marriage certificate
  4. okay i think we should all ask them for an approx time when we'll get ours visa...ive emailed already lets see wht answer i get,im also calling them tomorrow morning.
  5. hey visa did ur CO tell ur her/his name or gave u her email id ? i read on another thread tht the CO gives ur her email id for direct correspondence ?
  6. oh i got my passport renewed its for tht...it's change a in location or passport detail change form
  7. hello morefriendm,welcome to the forum did u get asked for nadra nikkah certificate and form 80 aswell?
  8. lolz, yes they do like to keep us waiting well im really looked forward to hearing from them and im sure fatima is too Ive mailed them my PCC and form 929 already,hopefully wont be asked for form 80....
  9. why dont u call or email and ask her for some estimate as to when will they approx give the visa? Goldcoast is a feb applicant aswell and she got asked for medical
  10. Thanks Amz and yes first knight amz is right ,i think visa 309 also has a CO now aswell coz if i remember correctly she was asked for more documents...i could be wrong.......she's late feb applicant too
  11. i think the embassy is closed friday but fatima pls share the outcome of the phone call with us
  12. well since uvebeen there already got any advice..do's and donts for us...in terms of wht to take and wht not to ...shopping n all ?
  13. is there any paki community in canberra? did u get bored considering you couldnt work there or anything....im expecting to be fully bored intially untill i find something to keep myself busy
  14. ive heard good things abt canberra too ....never been to australia though....it was the last place i imagined id end up in before getting married .......ive heard perth is boring too.....a bit like isb.....and me being a lahore person i wonder how i'll adjust
  15. no idea abt it...im sure if u ask ur CO she might guide you or assist u in some way
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