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Everything posted by CowlingAFC

  1. Hi Mate. Yeah the same crossed my mind a few years ago when I decided to head on the WHV, I was 28 and thought to myself it's now or never. Met other travellers of ALL ages, although after sampling other countries I have kinda thought that I probably met more younger people in Oz than elsewhere, not to say it was a bad thing. You'll have a blast mate. Enjoy
  2. Spot on, cheers everyone. Yeah this site seems real friendly so hope to get some help if needed along the way mark
  3. Aye thats spot on mate. Magic Can I just ask...how long from when you applied for your skills test did you actually have to do it? Do you need to bring any certs to the test, and also does it matter if you do your english test before or after?? This is probably simple questions, so must aplogise. Cheers again pal
  4. When you say the test cost £1000, what exactly is this for?? The Practical Skills Test?, or is this for the whole thing ie ; Practical, Theory etc? And the work history check....is this cost to and agent to chase up everything for you? or could you maybe explain a bit more please? And where did you have to do the practical? Thanks in advance mate Mark Joiner / 32yr old
  5. Hoping to get back over on either a skilled visa, or most probably a state sponsored (to Perth). My offer of sponsorship with my previous company in perth has more or less fell through so will now have to try one of the above options. Wasted around 2years back here in the Uk and dont want to waste anymore time. Damn Ex's !! hahah Thanks very much again for any asdvice on this and any other post i make Mark
  6. Thanks for that!! I have already e-mailed some previopus employers( going back until start date 2004), and have received confirmation letters from all concerned confirming that I did infact work as a Joiner/Carpenter for these companies, in these times. I presume this isnt enought hough going by your reply? So its a case of Contacting the tax office here in the Uk for records of payments they have, and also get all my college/apprenticeship/skills test certs and take it from there? Would this be sufficent enough? Sorry if this has already been explained but its one of those head funks!! I also have a reference from when I worked in perth,WA....this would certainly help yeah?? Thanks again for any help Mark
  7. Yeah mate, understand what your saying. Good workman never blames his tools scenario. Will have a look at the link, thanks for the quick reply cheers
  8. Hi Folks, Just wondering how many peolpe used agents for getting their visa's to Oz, and how many people succesfully managed themselves?? I was keen to go ahead and try myself once I got a bit more money behind me, but the things ive looked at so far seemed to pickle my head already!!! How much cash did you's have behind you when starting the process?? And if using Agents....who's the best to use, cheapest?? and quickest!!?? Sorry for the few questions in one go, but many thanks in advance!!! Mark
  9. How far back do you need to prove employment by companies? Right back to say , when you served your apprenticeship?? Fot Tax purpose proof, would this need to be supplied from ex emplyers?, or would the Tax office be able to supply this? Thanks in advance
  10. Hi, Hoping to move back over to Perth sometime on a State Sponsored Visa....For me to apply for this what all would I have to do/Show?? I presume I'd have to do my English Test as will be over 33 byt the time I apply so points will drop, but does anyone know what else I would have to produce ?? Thanks in advance mark
  11. 9weeks? wow that wasnt long at all! Good luck with the potential next move though. wish you well
  12. Just thought i'd pop by and leave a message to say hello. Visited this site for some distant advice about different topics in moving back to Perth...very helpful site indeed!! Been over 5years back on a 2year working holiday, was half promised a sponsorship last year via my old work in perth, but came to nothing , so gave myself a kick up the backside to find, and do more about getting back down on pref a state sponsored visa, or a skilled visa. Looked a lot online, but seems like SOOOOO much paperwork etc to do and kinda stresses you out a little!! Is it REALLY that hard to gather everyone together? (paperwork/history/records/skills tests etc?) ANY help on my steps to Oz would be greataly welcome, if not then a friendly chat would be welcomes as much Hope all's well Mark (32)
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