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Posts posted by shellyk666

  1. I lodged mine on the 9th June front loading everything and still haven't heard. I don't think it's uncommon to wait longer. Have you seen the google tracker spreadsheet? There's a few on there who lodged before you who also don't appear to have heard from a CO yet. Hope it makes you feel better to know you're not the only one!


    good luck and I hope we both get our grants this week x

  2. I have reverted the spreadsheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkrdCphtU8u-dGJQSWROUlZ0bThIaUF2VW9zdUZmMlE&usp=sharing#gid=0 to a version saved at 7:57 PM Pacific time on #rd Sept.


    I would really appreciate if people who got their updates since then, please update the tracker again


    Second and most important request, if anybody wants to play around with the sheet, they may do it in the copy I have made called Sandbox 189 Visa but we should all work together in keeping the master sheet clean.


    Thank you amitm - you are a life saver!! I suppose this is the risk when there are multiple users with no control. Let's hope people leave the master sheet be and use the Sandbox 189 sheet like you suggest.


    I've taken off the filter in the hope it won't temp people to mess around with the data.


    Thanks again xx

  3. Oh no! Someone's messed up the tracker spreadsheet!!!! It was ok when I looked this morning. What can I check now That spreadsheet was the only thing keeping me going lol


    still no no news from a CO. I'm really hoping it'll be tonight because otherwise that's another week gone by and another weekend to wait out. Please be tonight....


    congratulations to everyone who has received grants or CO today. I can't believe how quickly some are processed!

  4. THX Gaz84.


    I lodged my application on 26/06/14 and front loaded all documents so looks like I need another week or two :swoon:


    At least you can try and relax for the next couple of weeks. But then you never know, you might be one of the lucky ones to get a super quick one ;)


    Whatever you do, don't start checking your emails in the middle of the night like I do. It's a really hard habit to break lol

  5. Hi, I have received the invitation through skillselect, I used the link given to create an immiaccount. When I start my application, I do not find an application for subclass 189 in the list of “new applications” in immiaccount. I have 4 days checking my immiaccount and its still not showing the option (189). On the other hand, I can't find help through the website (immi.gov.au) in relation to this matter. Hel, help, help, pleeeeaaaase!!!!


    Have you tried using a different browser like someone suggested above? When I received our invitation I applied for a 189 within an hour so not sure why you would need to wait 48 hours? Sorry I can't be any further help and hope you can get it resolved soon x

  6. Can anybody figure out a pattern for CO allocation or direct grant ..it's not based on lodge date...kinda frustrating for ppl who r waiting..


    I think it's likely to be down to the fact that there are various teams your case could be allocated to who will all have slightly differing backlogs. Also within that team each Case Officer may have differing caseloads. If a matter need to have further checks this may also delay more than one without checks. There are too many variants to be able to work out any particular pattern imo although it does go very roughly in date order I think x

  7. Hey guys, one step closer, CO allocated today, they already have Meds and PCC, but just want a couple more payslips or p60s! Nearly there!!! Big smiles at my house! Fingers crossed.


    Thats fab news! You're so close now. When do you think you'll be able to upload the additional evidence requested?

  8. Seems the update the other weekend has knocked something off line as our agent cannot access several health questionnaires to up load and gas emailed our CO. It would stand that thus may be happening to other people too.


    I've just and a look at the immiaccount but because we'd already uploaded our medicals I'm sure it's different to your situation. Sorry I can't offer any reassurance but I'm sure your agent is on the case. Good luck x

  9. And I have noticed on the google visa tracker that 2 more visas have been granted today..... We are nearly there!!!!



    Looks like there are now 3 grants and another CO allocated today! LIKE LIKE LIKE!!! Seriously, everyone around me on that tracker has had a CO or a grant, I'm going to start getting paranoid if I don't hear soon lol I'm hopeful that the ones who haven't heard yet have a CO allocated but they've had no reason to contact us and that we'll get a direct grant! (fingers crossed).


    Telle - that's great news, when did you lodge? I hope you're able to resolve the issue accessing your medical questionnaire. Is it problem that *you* can't access it or that your CO can't access it?

  10. I generally agree that owners are responsible. But I think a lot of owners simply don't understand their dogs / breed.


    If you chose to own a dog known for hunting and is large then the realisty is it should never be let off it's lead or even on a lead without someone that can control it physically.


    I am nursing my dogs wounds - 45 stitches and in the vets words very lucky to be alive, but also my own (both arms and hands). I personally think the penalty should be in years (double figures). I have owned guns most of my life. What this person done is no different than sending a couple of high powered bullets down a high street. That would result in a very serious sentence. So why should malpractice of a 4 legged weapon be any different. Likewise other "misdemeanors" if your dog threatens, you should face the same penalty as a loon with a gun. Both can kill.


    I agree with the sentiment but I suppose the difference is that the gun you own cannot escape on it's own and go shooting itself down the high street. Dogs have a mind of their own and therefore I think owners should have have to have a licence and register their animals. Maybe compulsory insurance could help too? I suppose that doesn't stop the incidents happening though.


    What an awful situation. I hope you and your little pooch are feeling better soon xxx

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