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Everything posted by Loulouhew

  1. Wish we had known sooner husband has just done the 2 week course which looks about $600 cheaper at CET!! Would he be able to do the capstone through CET or go back to Thornnlie? Jandakot is closer to us .
  2. Hi Guys A question for those of you doing or have done the Gap Training. My OH was booked in for July but managed to get some work so has postponed it until Sept. When he gets the log book will it be able to be backdated to the work he has already done? Thanks Lou
  3. Hi We are arriving end of May have been in touch with college they wont put my hubby on course waiting list until i email a copy of his Restricted licence hoping that comes through anyday as credit card has been debited . they said a few weeks ago waiting list was May/June which would be good . Do you have any contacts you could put us in touch with regarding TA positions? Thanks Lou
  4. Sounds like a total nightmare !! Will probably be picking your brains when we get out there? Are you working aswell?? lou
  5. This is exactly my point. This system is so dumb you couldn't make it up. If you were the main applicant you would have went through all the shite. But because you are not you get the easy route!! Its like it punishes the people who have to prove their skills and work experience to get into the country. You sit a test (which is easy but i did see people resiting when i done it) and give 10 years work experience to prove you are what they want then you become an apprentice for a year! But hey if you rock up as a spouse or tourist here have a license LOL! Waht a bloody joke the system is! We still got 6 months until we make the move and really hope something changes before we get there :arghh:
  6. Have you checked on the website ? Think it was 2 weeks for OH but certificate took longer to come in post . They did scan it via email which I used for visa app & State sponsorship
  7. It is a worry ....we are planning to come over may 2013 pending house sale :err:
  8. Hi chris It seems a lot has changed in WA 3-4 weeks ago ...but if employers are still taking on sparks with restricted license the that is good to hear . I think that's what they are having a meeting about next week. Glad it's going well for you ( from a fellow Taff ) :biggrin:
  9. I really feel for you guys , we are not heading out until next year by which time I hope that the left hand knows what the right hand is doing!! Keep us posted with your progress and good luck!
  10. Hi , it seems the rules have changed in the last few weeks if you read the top post you can see what's the current process ! Good luck we are hoping to move out next year , got our 176 visa a few weeks ago!
  11. 2 weeks wow! Well hope it goes really well for you and good luck the job hunting and the licence too , will maybe get into with you in a few months to see how you are getting on if you don't mind?
  12. Thats not good, every job I see advertised asks for A licence electricians !! When are you heading out? We are not going until next year but will be interested to see how others get on. Keep us posted !
  13. Ok thanks , would he be able to use JIB card? That has his photo on
  14. Also he forms you have to complete on energy safety website is asking for different forms of id to get 100 points .can only see that we would be able to use passport (70 points) what else are you using? Thanks
  15. We wil be doing same as you crowded house so keep us posted how you get on ! Lou
  16. Hi guys anyone know how long vetassess take to send the OSTR letter? Really want to crack on with WA sponsorship now !
  17. Thanks for that Derren! He has looked through that thread which has been really helpful, still stressing tho lol!
  18. Hi guys anybody done he vetassess practical recently ? Have a very stressed husband who is looking for any ideas of what questions are asked In the theory part specifically, such as what questions do they ask about RMS voltage and 3 phase power..... Any help much appreciated thanks louise

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    <p><p>hi kate just read your post about moving to secret harbour, we too are hoping to get to Perth where we have family in Yangebup my husband is also an electrician and due to do practical at end of the month , any tips from your husband would be fab hope you dont mind me asking :cute:</p></p>

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