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Everything posted by Manners1983

  1. Thanks jbar399...out of interest, what age do you teach or does it vary with each placement? I must admit the whole state/catholic/private school differentiation is quite interesting in Oz...very different from the UK ('private school' in Oz seems to have very different connotations to ‘private school’ in the UK). Also, the predilection of schools to opt for shorter-term, rolling one-year contracts rather than long term permanent positions. My wife and I have been trying to get our heads around this distinction as we think it will require quite an adjustment mentality wise. Long term job security is always going to be a concern…newly arrived migrant or not! Teaching in the UK is often seen as a job for life…i.e. very hard for the school to oust you once your feet are under the table…but that’s a debate for another thread on another forum!
  2. Cracking thread, did take me a while to read through it all from the start! Just wanted to know if there are many folks on here teaching in QLD, namely primary school? Would be interested to find out a rough temperature check of the job market. Also, how many kids do get enrolled for the Preparatory Year - given it's not compulsory? This and Years 1 & 2 are the years my wife has the most amount of experience and therefore will be aiming her job hunt at. My wife and I are hoping to be heading over around this time next year (just finishing up 189 application now). Will probably be based out of Brisbane, Windaroo in fact, where my brother lives.
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