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Sassy Duck

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Everything posted by Sassy Duck

  1. Sums up Perth in a nutshell for you. Reputation for being the biggest retirement village in the world?? Haha are you just making this up as you go along?
  2. Perhaps he/she should change their user name to home and bitter.
  3. Light plane crashed into the swan river, pilot and passenger died and fireworks celebration cancelled. We saw it happen along with thousands of others...very sad news. :daydreaming:
  4. Exactly what I was thinking! He said he earns in excess of $200k. I would feel pretty well off with that salary!
  5. Read my comment again. I did not say you were stupid I said your comment was stupid. Think you'll find your original comment was pretty rude but hey ho.
  6. No he couldn't because I don't and never have harped on about how great Australia is, and I am certainly not blinkered...what a stupid statement. Thanks for your input though. :dull:
  7. Haha classic, you try to justify everything! No need to get nasty...you give...you take..simples.
  8. And? That's your justification then :daydreaming:
  9. We made the move back to the uk after spending 5 years in oz. First year novelty, after that we realised we'd made a massive mistake. Moved back to oz and honestly couldn't wait to get back! It's not perfect, nowhere is, but as much as I like the uk, I just don't like living there. We went back for a visit in November which confirmed we'd made the right decision. We had citizenship so easy for us to return. Good luck, hope you'll be happier on your return.
  10. Jeez do you ever give it a rest! Unbelievable!
  11. We went back in November and was pretty surprised at the price of meals out and only had one decent meal in four weeks. In fact we went for a roast in one pub and all eight of us had to send it back as it was so bad! £12.95 each! They didn't charge us thankfully. This was in Witney. Have to say it was nice paying less for a pint and we did have a steak and a pint for £10 in Weatherspoons! Not the best but ok when you just want to satisfy your hunger.
  12. We moved back to the uk in 2011 after spending five years in NSW. The reasons at the time were that grandchildren were arriving and thought it was time to spend some time with the family etc etc. Also the exchange rate was in our favour as an added bonus. Fast forward five years and we're back in Australia. First six months was a novelty and then all the reasons we left came flooding back. We didn't spend much time with family, people had moved on as expected and for us our lifestyle went down hill. We do spend a fair bit of time between both countries and we're in the uk at the moment which has only confirmed we have made the right choice for us. The damp weather is just awful! It was cold the first week we arrived and although it's milder now, it's just so grey and damp. We'd forgotten how damp it gets and how depressing it feels with the lack of light. We love crisp autumn days but don't think we'll see much of those unfortunately! Next time we visit will definitely be in the summer!
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