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Posts posted by tea4too

  1. 6 hours ago, Marisawright said:

    It depends what statistics you're looking at.  I agree that Britain has large areas of lovely green space.  However the areas that are developed are incredibly densely populated compared to Australia. For instance, Greater Manchester has a population density of 2,800 people per square kilometre whereas Greater Melbourne is only 250 people per square kilometre. 

     My earlier response was in reply to the view that half of England is built upon, but I agree that very densely populated areas can leave an impression of a population crammed into a country with little or no room to move. London is a good example, although also a bit of an exception, as while 40.6% of the wider area is developed, within the City of London that figure rockets to 93.5%. Other places with highly developed pockets include Liverpool, Manchester and Southampton but overall only 7%-10% of the region in those areas (and the rest of Britain) has been developed... leaving most of the country rural. T x

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  2. 4 hours ago, Bob Jones said:

    Half of England is like that, and now the familes have 3 cars each and get into arguments about parking outside their house as if if they own part of the highway too.

    Luckily I never faced that problem.....the terraced house was the same but we had double yellows outside so no bugger could park 🙂

    It can sometimes feel that Britain and England in particular is over developed, however that's not borne out by official statistics. Unsurprisingly London had the highest proportion of developed land in 2022 but even then we're only talking 40%, although within that figure some local authority areas were clearly maxed out in terms of regeneration and development. The remaining English regions range between 7% and 10% developed, but again there will be pockets within those areas of intense development. Still, overall it seems that Britain is still pretty rural in land mass terms. T x

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  3. 1 hour ago, OzGraham said:

    Moved to Oz 20 years ago and, at the behest of my daughter, returned for 6 months about 10 years ago. Can honestly say I didn't feel like a returning Brit, I felt like a visiting Aussie. Was more than happy to leave after the six months and return to Oz. Perhaps I have changed my views on life but I can't imagine ever going back to England again

    It's that elusive sense of belonging. We can't buy it, force it, or even assume what everyone else needs to achieve it. Tx

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  4. Please don't let this thread disintegrate into bickering. It is full of information and heartfelt stories for anyone, including those happily settled, with an interest in how long it took people to work out that Aus was not for them, and why. That some posters feel the need to add disparaging remarks not really in keeping with the thread title is not unusual - it happens across many parts of the forum and is probably best ignored. T x


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  5. In the early days when it was all new and we were finding our way there were regular phone calls, emails and visits. But as life settled down I think we all adjusted to a different sense of normality. Visits were still looked forward to but not quite so intensely, phone calls and emails were appreciated but not sent or received as often. Living on the periphery of each other's lives changed the dynamic. That doesn't mean that we care less about the people who moved away, just that the gap created by absent family and friends has been smoothed over as everyone gets on with day to day life. Tx

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  6. 1 hour ago, InnerVoice said:

    Sounds good on paper Toots, but the reality now is many more miserable, rainy days, compared to when we were growing up when you could expect a good dollop of snow combined with sunny frosty days, which made winter far more bearable.

    We have definitely noticed a change in the weather, with UK winters consistently milder and wetter. But to be honest whether it's freezing cold or chucking it down for days, winter tends to be the time of year when we catch up with all the stuff there was no time for during the rest of the year, so I don't mind overly much. In some respects reading a good book in front of the log fire while the rain lashes the house is possible one of my happy times! Mum on the other hand really struggles when she can't get out to the garden and finds it hard to find other ways to fill her days. Time hangs heavy until the approach of spring, when she seems to shed the years as the lighter, brighter days put a literal spring in her step. Horses for courses I guess.T x

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  7. It's hard to offer advice in the circumstances you describe, but in truth I struggle and we live just a few hundred miles away rather than thousands. It's not necessarily the big stuff either as living in the UK means we can visit regularly and respond quickly in a crisis. It's simple things like picking up the shopping or a prescription when the weather is wild, fixing a door that sticks, changing the battery of a bleeping smoke alarm, making safe that bit of loose carpet... day to day things that happen regularly and are fixed by others, often without even hitting our radar. Mum wouldn't choose to move and our life is rooted here but it has become more of an issue over time and doesn't sit easily with me. It's hard not to feel selfish when someone else is left with no option but to fill the shoes we chose to vacate, but thank goodness they do because I genuinely don't know what Mum or myself would do without them.

    Sorry Adam, possibly not what you want to read right now, but if there are other family members or even good neighbours willing to provide some level of support, if needed, it might be an idea to sound them out. If nothing else it would give you some degree of peace of mind. Good luck, I hope you can make it work. T x

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  8. Hi, and welcome to the forum. If you haven't already, check out some of the threads in the 'Moving Back to the UK' section where you'll find some kindred spirits and discover you are not alone in terms of the issues you are struggling with. A sense of belonging, or lack of it, is a common thread in many posts.

    It's difficult to offer advice because there's no guaranteed outcome whatever you decide, but I would be cautious about drifting too long in the hope that things improve. On a practical basis it could become a more difficult decision as you and your family grow older. Sometimes instead of trying to decide the best option it can help if you flip the question and  work on the least worst option instead. Maybe ask yourself; if you were to make a mistake which outcome would you regret more - being stuck for the foreseeable future in Aus, or in the UK/ Ireland? Which is more likely to have the most negative consequences? It will still be a dilemma because weighing finances against emotions is an apple and pears thing, but it might help to clarify some priorities. Wishing you all the best,   T x

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  9. @Cheery Thistle The issues you raise are worthy of debate however, while all opinions are valid, reflecting that people happily living in the UK are in denial because they don't share your view is questionable and more likely to push the thread further off track, rather than supporting those 'expats using this part of the forum to discuss the move back.' Perhaps a separate thread in Chewing the Fat would be more appropriate? Either way, as I'm not sure I can add much to the practical advice and support already provided I wish the OP well, and will leave it at that. T x

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  10. 6 hours ago, Cheery Thistle said:

    Not on £23k a year as a sole income it’s not. And honestly you wouldn’t think it’s a first world country in many towns up and down the country. 

    Who wouldn't? We're posting in MBTTUK, a small section of the forum designed to support those thinking of returning. It was reading negativity about life in the UK that prompted me to join PIO more than a decade ago because I didn't recognise the desperate, gloomy, dispirited place regularly described then, and I don't now tbh. It's right to acknowledge the huge social issues impacting the UK, but it's just as important in my view to acknowledge that many continue to live a relatively comfortable and happy life in a place they are content to call home. I get that planning a new life on the other side of the world might bring into sharp focus negative aspects of the life being left behind, but not everyone is going to share those opinions, or accept that life in every  part of the UK is directly comparable. T x

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  11. Without doubt life is a struggle for many in the UK just now as the country continues to navigate the economic legacy of covid lockdowns, Brexit and years of austerity policies delivered by successive tory governments. The media is full of stories warning of high interest rates, redundancies, an increase in homelessness and an NHS buckling under the strain. 

    So it would be unrealistic to pretend there is no direct impact on society or individuals and I understand why those looking to emigrate do so in the hope of a better quality of life. But, for all its problems, the UK is still a first world country and the entire UK is not labouring under a constant cloud of despair. Personally we are happy here, our family are settled and making their way in life just as we did at their age, carefully navigating the cyclical ups and downs of economic downturns. If contemplating a MBTTUK my advice would be to choose your area carefully and be thorough with your research, because if you get it right it is still possible to have a good life here. T x

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  12. To some extent it depends where the OP (or anyone thinking of MBTTUK) will be living, as devolved governments often operate differently, and even some local authorities will provide support or access to schemes not available in neighbouring postcodes. As a starting point the UK Government website is a mine of information and a useful tool as it helpfully sign posts alternative advice for people living in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. T x

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  13. Also, if you haven't already, check airline policies regarding flights and pregnancy, a quick look suggests few issues up to 28 weeks, a medical certificate 28-32 weeks and a reluctance to facilitate travel after 32 weeks. 

    The UK benefit system is notoriously complex but the government benefit checker might help. Check out the 'habitual residency test' too. www.gov.uk/check-benefits-financial-support

    It varies but rental property in the UK can be difficult to secure in many places. 'Rightmove' will help provide an insight into what is currently available in your preferred area, the prices, deposit and such like. Managed tenancies tend to use checking services that require verification of income, savings, credit score and possibly references or a named guarantor.

    On a more general note, while I understand your reasons for postponing any relocation until later in the pregnancy I can't help but think you are contemplating some huge changes at a time when you a likely to be both physically and emotionally vulnerable. Take care of yourself, involve trusted friends and family to make enquiries and manage practicalities where possible. And lists...I am a great one for lists, if only for the boost of crossing things off. T x 

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  14. 1 hour ago, calNgary said:

    I would have said the same until i read it last night - The WA State Government recognises the importance of attracting and retaining skilled migrant families in Western Australia, and in doing so is supporting these families by waiving public school fees for their children for 2023.  

    Call makes a valid point. 'From' 2023 would imply a general policy of no charges however, 'for' 2023 is not so clear cut and could equally mean things are open to review in subsequent years. T x

  15. I think one of the great things about this forum is the fact that so many posters have stuck around for so many years, offering advice and opinions based not only on their own life experience but on information shared by and with other posters. And when it comes to the emotional aspect of migration all sorts of thoughts and feelings are explored and shared in Aussie and UK Chat threads. People can read, skip, ponder or ignore that stuff, but in reality those of us that have been part of the forum for a long time know that while some doubts are probably just a wobble, other worries could be key issues the poster would be well advised to weigh and consider carefully.

    Migration is not an an exact science, as demonstrated by the fact that while life is truthfully very grim for many in the UK just now, other people such as the OP live in a nice place, with a decent income and a network of good friends. Gambling all of that to move from one first world country to another is a big decision and one that is hopefully helped by the shared thoughts and experiences of others. Particularly those who have been there/ done it. Tx



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  16. On 03/01/2023 at 01:22, pob said:

    Christmas didn't feel the same this year.

    The sun was out for a start, how wonderfull! Hawian shirts were worn instead of wooly jumpers.

    We still ate turkey, but it didn't feel right, the paxo that we purchased especially for me, didn't agreee with me.

    I'm thinking sticky rice and a baked fish with aromatics next year, a nice citrus salad too, Hawian shirts again, I seem to have become VERY attached to mine.😎

    We had a few drinks in the house, but these is no pub near by. Beer and whisky didn't feel right in the heat either, but a glass of St Germain hit the spot nicely.


    How do you guys celebrate? Do you keep the old traditions or have you started new ones?




    Pob,  many recent migrants seem to struggle with their first Christmas in Australia as familiar lifelong traditions don't quite fit with the new environment. In time you will find new traditions, little things that are more geared to the new life you and your family share on the other side of the world. In the meantime you are creating memories that you will one day look back on and laugh at - you've made a start with turkey stuffing! Enjoy the journey. T x

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  17. 3 hours ago, Parley said:

    No. It is very helpful to you as otherwise you will be oblivious and never improve.

    But i suppose it depends on whether you care or not.

    Between loved ones, or in a formal setting such as school or the workplace, it may well be delivered and received as supportive and useful feedback. But on a public forum among strangers it is perhaps more likely to come across as unnecessary criticism, rather than one filled with bonhomie, tbh. Tx

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  18. Nana, Blu Flu is right, it is ultimately a decision you have to make for yourself. There are books and experts galore with advice on coping mechanisms, decision making strategies, methods for prioritising what is important ...but no-one can guarantee what will actually make us happiest in the longer term. Big decisions usually carry an element of risk but there comes a time when we have to cross fingers and jump, or stay put which in itself can present different risks.

    Accepting outcomes on the basis of 'it is what it is' together with a determination to celebrate the positives while managing or accepting the negatives could be key. But whatever you decide at some point you will move on, hopefully with peace of mind for knowing the decision is made. Who knows, you may discover that the indecision and anxiety was far worse than the reality of what you end up dealing with irrespective of where you finally settle. Take care and good luck, T x 

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  19. Sometimes the act of having to make a choice can be more stressful than the issues we are balancing. But what if you had no choice? Imagine two envelopes and being told whichever one you opened would seal your fate - no debate, no weighing of pros and cons, just stuck with the outcome. Which envelope would stress you more - the one containing a one way ticket to Aus, or the envelope with confirmation of old age in the UK? Would opening one, rather than the other, result in a greater element of relief or disappointment? 

    In many ways you are in a wonderful position because you have choices, but when that situation becomes the nightmare you describe it is maybe time to pause. Give yourself a break and put the dilemma aside if only for a short while. The answer may become clearer when you are not searching for it.  Tx 


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  20. I may be way off the mark here, but your post seems full of sadness for a life that 'might have been' and regret for opportunities missed. But at some point you took your courage in both hands and set off for an adventure in the hope of a good life with different opportunities, and from what you write it seems you may have achieved that. Had you not emigrated perhaps you would still have wondered what might have been, only from a different perspective?

    Spending time with UK family will hopefully help to recharge batteries and ease some of the regret - life may have taken a different path but, as you reflect in your post, different is not necessarily better or worse. Have a wonderful holiday and fingers crossed for some decent summer weather while you are here 🙂. Take care. Tx 

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  21. 1 minute ago, BeachBabe2022 said:

    Because that is exactly how it came across

    I'm sorry you read it that way but I have already clarified that was not the intention. In a public forum views are shared, challenged, queried and bandied about.... and my reply was not so much 'to you', as in response to some of the issues you raised. But I will leave it at that as I have nothing further to add, and do want the OP's thread derailed unnecessarily . Tx

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