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Posts posted by taniaholmes

  1. Been a long time sdince I have posted... All the best to everyone awaiting CO's and congratulations to those who have been granted their visas. I am leaving on the 4th of April to Oz.

    Also a huge thankyou to all those who have answered my queries and helped me stay at peace during those hectic long wait days...Cheers



    Good luck on your new life, I have been here now nearly a month on Thursday, I am liking what I see so far the kids have settled in school and making friends as we are too, love going to the beach at the weekend and the weather!!! all the best. Tania

  2. Hi all,

    jus wanted to give you all an update to where i am since we had our visa granted but first would like to say thanks to SHandGh for keeping this cat 4 running.


    okay so we shipped our stuff on Thursday the 2nd Feb, we used Seven seas as we were not shipping furniture just personal stuff, we orderd a move cube the cube in size is 1.45m width, 1.11 m length 1.88 height £570 to ship and 299. dollars to pay in Aus for the cube to be checked in this cube we got in 2 bikes, kitchen small items ex pot pans, bedding towels 2 Tv's, fishing stuff , camping stuff, game machines, kids stuff, loads of dvds books cds, loads of shoes, dvd players xbox games, the company came and dropped of the cube at 8:30am in the morning and then came back at 2:30 pm to take the cube away.


    We move the rest of our stuff out the evening but was worried as we still had not exchanged contracts, we stayed at my sisters that night and the next day on Friday i went back to the house to move the last few bits and clean up the house and in this time i was phoning the solicitor to see if we had exchanged but no answere on the phone, I finally got through to the solicitor to be told we had exchanged and completed on our property at 1pm and how quick could we hand in the keys so 45 mins later we locked up and handed over the keys, can i just say selling a house is stressful aspecialy when you are selling to move to Aus, i took a week of work at one point as i was really stressed and couldn't function so please be aware, so now we have no home and are staying between familys.


    I have booked our flight through IOM imgration for migrants, through doing this they have saved us £1000 on our flight and they have booked us with Emerates and we fly on the 28th Feb at Manchester 8:10pm and land in Aus Brisbane at 6:50 am on the 1st March, so 3 weeks on tuesday we will be on our way.


    all the best to you all with your journey and will up date you when we land in Aus

  3. Hi Bharat,


    We have been granted the visa today!


    Turn us purple!


    Please update the details as following:-


    Name: dexulans

    Date of Visa application: 30-May-2011

    Nationality: Indian

    High/Low Risk: High Risk

    Trade/profession: Electronic Instrument Trades Worker

    Visa type:Subclass 175

    Onshore/offshore: Offshore

    Pre-14th July 2010 Category (If applicable): 3

    Post-14th July Category: 4

    Medicals submitted: 05/01/2012

    Police check submitted: 20/01/2012

    Date CO assigned: 14/12/11

    Date of employment verification (If applicable): Not Known

    Date visa granted:20/01/11



    Congratulations on your visa grant :jiggy::jiggy::jiggy:

  4. 175 visa application granted before bed last night, excellent, so, I guess I'm purple......


    Dear all,

    I am very happy to inform you that We got our Visa Grant Today!!... Yes, finally it is there!! I could not believe my eyes when I received that much awaited and wanted Visa Granted Email from my Agent... I have no words to express my happiness and joy to see our dreams come true.


    I would like to thank God, you guys for consistent support, cooperation and help in this journey.


    I really do not know what to say or write here.. May be it will take some time to be normal again!!


    I would like to wish good luck to all the visa aspirants ...



    All the best to you to... Please turn us PURPLE and update the spread sheet.



    Shrikant :biggrin:


    Morning everyone


    We got our visa grant yday! Feels so surreal! We are all so happy and mega excited for our adventure!


    Now the mind has started asking itself a million and one questions!......Where do we start? What do we do? How can my partner get a job for when we get there? How much money would we need to start off? Should we just up and go or should we holiday first? Sell or rent the house?


    Any advice would be so so so helpful for my panicking mind!


    Thanks everyone for all your support 



    Congratulations on your visa grants :jiggy::jiggy::jiggy:

  5. Hello everyone


    Today, 3-Jan-2012 we have received the best gift one could possibly get from DIAC to start our New Year.

    We received our Visa Grant notice today after sending in the FBI checks on 1-Jan-2012. What a way to start the New Year in style.


    I would like to thank the countless people on this forum who by the sheer nature of sharing have provided immense support.

    We plan to move to Melbourne and make our initial entry by Nov 2012.


    Name: weekrish

    Date of Visa application: 08/Jun/2011

    Nationality: Indian (currently in US)

    High/Low Risk: HR

    Trade/profession: Systems Analyst

    Visa type: 175

    Onshore/offshore: Offshore

    Pre-14th July 2010 Category (If applicable): 3

    Post-14th July Category: 4

    Medicals submitted: Finalised on 15-Nov-2011

    Police check submitted: 1/Jan/2012

    Date CO assigned: 12/12/11

    Date of employment verification (If applicable): NA

    Date visa granted : 3/Jan/2012


    Congratulations :jiggy::jiggy::jiggy:


    OMG OMG !!

    This is the best Christmas and Happy New Year Present for me! =D

    Thanks everyone in PIO for the tips and tricks



    Just cant believe my eyes



    Congratulations :jiggy::jiggy::jiggy:

  7. Merry Christmas everyone!!! :smile:



    I'm not sure if I should ask it here but in case you guys have any ideas...

    I'm planning to get married early next year. :biggrin:

    Would it affect my visa application if I add my hubby as dependent?

    Or should I just wait after the visa grant and let my hubby apply for a partner visa?





    I am not sure on that I would advise you to start a new thread and see if anyone else can help.

  8. Good morning everybody,


    We've woken up this morning to an early Christmas present from Adelaide as well - VISA GRANTED !!


    Have a great Christmas everyone. Hope you all get your grants soon!


    This thread has been really helpful in getting a feel for the process. Thanks to all involved.




    Congratulations on your visa :jiggy::jiggy::jiggy::xmas12:

  9. Wholly agree with you Patrick but I think it was expected that 175's would slow down in Dec due to the holiday season, from what I gather Jan will probably be the same as the holiday season tends to extend to the end of Jan in Oz....


    On the flip side I think they have done well to get to where they are at.....


    All the best everyone...have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year......


    PS does anyone know how long the processing centres are closed for?



    Morning, just wanted to let you know that we are still on week 51 week 52 starts on 26th Dec.



  10. Hooray, hooray hooray - today is our day!! Please turn me PURPLE!!!

    Can't believe it's here -the best Christmas present ever!


    On a Christmas cloud of happiness!



    Congratulations on your visa :jiggy::jiggy::jiggy:


    Merry Christmas :xmas12:

  11. Good Morning Everyone!!!!!


    What a fantastic day it is today - not only is it my first day off work for the Xmas Break (not back til the 4th) and I think we will get the missives on our house sale concluded this week, but woke up this morning to a


    DIRECT VISA GRANT (22/12/11)!!!!!!! :chatterbox::chatterbox::chatterbox:


    Even though I was hoping it would come through before Xmas, I'm still in shock - good shock might I add!!!


    Just as a bit of additional info, e-mail came in from a senior CO from Team 2 and my first entry date is 04 November 2012, which was the date my front loaded meds were finalised. Also, on the 'Electronic Application Status Page' my application still says 'processing commenced' and all documents still show as required, however under each person it say 'Applicant approved' and the visa entitlement details are there - so guys, don't panic if you don't see any movement on this page, it means nothing!!


    I want to thank everyone in this forum (and the last one Tania!) as it's been a real lifeline - I'm heading away to visit family over Xmas so won't be on, but will definitely pop back in when I'm back to see how everyone else is doing!!!!





    Congratulations on your visa :jiggy::jiggy::jiggy:


    Merry christmas!!! :xmas12:

  12. Name: Aileen156

    Date of Visa application: 23 May 2011

    Nationality: British

    High/Low Risk: LR

    Trade/profession: Software Engineer

    Visa type: 175

    Onshore/offshore: Offshore

    Pre-14th July 2010 Category (If applicable):

    Post-14th July Category:

    Medicals submitted: 28/11/2011 - but referred

    Police check submitted: Request submitted

    Date CO assigned: 22/11/2011 - team 2

    Date of employment verification (If applicable):

    Date visa granted:



    Visa granted today - 21/12/2011 - Yeah!! :jiggy:


    Congratulations on your visa grant :jiggy::jiggy::jiggy:

  13. Tania / Bharat,

    You guys have done ( are doing ) a fantastic job .. I really appreciate it..



    Good luck for selling your house..Do keep us posted!!







    Thanks, its all systems go with the sale of our property as we have a buyer I am just hoping its a smooth ride from now.

  14. Hi All,

    I'm so happy to tell you that I have received the pre-grant letter! Best present ever :jiggy::jiggy::jiggy:

    The immigration office has e-mailed me that our PR is going to be granted on the first working day after Christmas (that is 29 December!!)


    I can't thank you enough for all for the sharing in this forum, this has been an invaluable support to me.

    Hope you all a merry Christmas and a new year full of good news!!







    Name: nadare

    Date of Visa application: 09-Mar-2011

    Nationality: Turkish

    High/Low Risk: HR

    Trade/profession: 261313-Software Engineer

    Visa type: 175 Skilled Independent

    Onshore/offshore: Offshore

    Pre-14th July 2010 Category (If applicable): N/A

    Post-14th July 2010 Category: 3

    Post-1st July 2011 Category: 4

    Medicals submitted: Yes

    Police check submitted: Yes

    Date CO assigned: 01.11.2011

    Date of employment verification (If applicable): Somewhere ın November 2011

    Date visa granted: officially 29.12.2011



    Congratulations :jiggy:

  15. Just want to say a big thank you to Bpremji

    for offering to take over of the running of cat 4, Bpremji has started a new thread but with the exact same information on the front page so not to confuse anyone so please use that one and let this one close as I will be on the new one also please see link below.







    THANK YOU :biggrin:



    Please use link above for new thread

  16. Maybe Tania could possible change the title of this thread a little to avoid confusing newbie's?? Post Visa cat4er's? Just a thought, maybe others can suggest also :unsure:


    I don't think you can as I know someone else tried when they was running a thread.

  17. OK Guys, thanks for all the words of encouragement, unfortunately I cant update Tania's first post so have started a new thread:




    If we could start using that for updates, that would be great....


    An idea, if the guys who have already got their visas want to carry on using this thread, once anyone has their visa they can start using this thread to keep everyone up to date on house sales, flights etc....


    All the best




    Brilliant I am so glad you could do this for me and everyone else.


    Thank you



  18. YAY, You must be feeling relieved you have your buyer. i really hope the chain is small and you have a quick sale. i can safely say that selling the house was extremely stressful and thank god we exchanged today.


    I can now go sit in the departure lounge :)


    You have been an amazing help to all of us throughout this process. Thank you so much. xxx



    Thanks, we just have a buyer who has all ready sold so hoping this will be a smooth ride but as I am new at selling a house I haven't got a clue, my first step yesterday was to get myself a solicitor and the buyer has emailed his mortgage offer and his getting his solicitor, so that's as much that has happened omg I haven't got a clue to when to book flights, organize shipping, hand in my notice, :huh: help help help ........

  19. Hi Tania,


    If no one else wants to do it, I dont mind keeping the thread and spreadsheet updated.



    That sounds good to me and I think you would be the perfect person for the job.


    Well done Bpremji,


    This thread is a life line for so many Tania started a fab thing here and it has been kept up to date brilliantly.

    I know you will do an excellent job in keeping the thread running. I am glad that someone has taken it over.

    I didn’t cos I’ve got my visa and will soon be moving as well.

    Maybe we could do a cat 4 the sequel or cat 4 where are you now. Just so those that have visas and are moving can discuss and let people know how you’re getting on. We could keep it on the cat 4 thread but there is nothing worse than Yerr lets meet up for a bbq on the beach under the scorching sun, when you are sat in the front window of your house franticly checking the visa application while watching the rain batter the for sale board.

    Just a thought.


    Thanks anlopa, Yeah once we get settled we will have to start another thread.


    I was thinking the same, we need another chat room as don't want to rub salt in any wounds. :jimlad:


    I would like to discuss 'how hot it was today' , 'How big the spider i saw on my bed when i woke up this morning'....or more importantly "how many shrimps i can fit on my BBQ" :cute::biglaugh:


    Sound good to me.

  20. Tania can you please turn us purple? We got our Christmas present today!


    According to our agent, our CO was new and probably inexperienced. The team leader has picked up our case today and made everything in order.


    Congratulations :jiggy::jiggy::jiggy::xmas10:


    Name: bj27

    Destination: Adelaide

    Date of Visa application: 14 feb 2011


    High/Low Risk: LR

    Trade/profession: ICT BA

    Visa type: 175

    Onshore/offshore: offshore

    Pre-14th July 2010 Category (If applicable):

    Post-14th July Category:

    Medicals submitted: 16/11/11

    Police check submitted: 2/11/2011

    Date CO assigned: week 44

    Date of employment verification (If applicable):

    Date visa granted: week 51 20/12/11

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