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Posts posted by websie

  1. Hi, we received the dreaded news - our nomination had been refused! Immigration requested more info, our agent never received this request, they went to review it, saw the information had not been supplied, Refused on these grounds.

    Our agent is in contact with the manager & requesting the decision be overturned, she is hopeful but can't be sure they will...

    Stressed out to to the max doesn't come close to what we are going through right now.

    Congratulations to everyone who has had there PR granted.


    Sorry to hear that, hopefully you can get the decision overturned.


    Are you in Australia already?

  2. Hi Liza123,


    I got acknowledgement letter 2 days after I lodged my nomination and visa application.


    Have u received acknowledgement letter before? What's the content of the acknowledgement?


    I also received my acknowledgement letter straight away. After about 3 weeks some of the required documents changed to received although this still did not mean I have a case officer.

  3. Hi Guys


    My MA just advised that additional team assigned for 186 applications.

    This should speed uo things...........hopefully.


    My MA just mentioned this to me, in my case I think it will delay visa grant as my file is now sitting in a pool waiting for a new case officer to be allocated rather than on my original case officers desk!



    Not very impressed, grrrrr

  4. My nomination has been refused on end of November and still more than

    28 days and still application is in "in progress"

    any advise any one....



    Although 28 days have passed it is possible that it has taken longer because of the Christmas holidays.


    My understanding is that the visa application is linked to the nomination so if the nomination is refused that the application can not progress. This is why many people choose not to lodge an application before their nomination is approved.


    Your MA really is the only one that can advise you as they know all the facts.

  5. Hi guys ,I m going to relodge new nomination of 186 ..no query for old nomination.

    problem of old C.O which forget to consider 1 online documents.

    is their any effect of new nomination?

    how long it's take time only nomination?

    any reply would be appreciate.



    Your MA should be able to advise you on this.


    Would you not need to re lodge your visa application as well as your first application is linked to the original nomination?


    You really should only do this on the advice of a professional.

  6. That's good news after such a long wait. Fingers crossed the visa application is looking good and it will come through soon. Seems some get it pretty quickly after the nomination is approved when it's lodged at the same time, especially from July?

    My case was fairly complicated so not expecting visa approval until early Jan but that's ok I'm just pleased to have the nomination through.


    Been here 5 years next week so another few weeks wait won't hurt.

  7. D Day is finally here y'all!




    Im very glad, stoked, over the moon, excited, happy, proud to say that about an hour ago i received the grant letter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    Merry F-ing xmas to all !


    fingers crossed for all the one waiting out there.


    wooooo hooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Massive congratulations to you. I think I must be one of the last July applicants left now. Here's hoping for news soon.

  8. Hi WEBSII,

    My nomination was lodged on 25.7.2014 they ask for additional documents on 11.11.2014 ..the documents were provided on 21.11.2014 since then nothing here from the department.Did you try to contact with them?



    Hi there Zesh


    I have an MA that has contact with my case officer. I have heard nothing back since the extra documents were submitted.


    It's just a waiting game I'm afraid, longer for some than others.


    We just have to hang on in there, all good things come to those that wait!

  9. I had lodged NOMINATION & VISA Application via MA on 9th NOVEMBER 2014 and submitted all the docs at the same time. Documents status so far was "Required" however it was changed to "Received" with date as 24/11/2014. Anyone know, Does it mean anything to this update?


    Hi there


    I applied on the 22nd July and my documents changed to received on 12th August and I'm still waiting. It doesn't mean much I'm afraid only that they have got the documents.


    I believe the 3-6 months is a pretty good estimate of timeframe.

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