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Everything posted by Julian927

  1. We put our house on the market before getting the visa and were pleased we did. We moved into rental accommodation, the original idea was that any money on deposit would pay the rental, but because of interest rates disappearing this in fact did not happen. The money was then there to pay the visa and pay the shipping company. However it was a relief to have it sold, one less thing to worry about once we got the visa. We had decided if for any reason a visa was refused we would downsize into a small apartment so we could come to Australia and lock up and leave. If I had to make the choice again I would do the same. The cost of houses over here is still less than that in the UK as long as you do not choose to live in Terrigal or on the Northern Beaches etc.
  2. ENJOY when you get there....it is a wonderful feeling after all the battles and worries that we have all experienced.
  3. This is such hard luck. We really commiserate with you. Let's hope their buyers get a move on and you suddenly find them champing at the bit.
  4. I agree with you on that one too Cath. We have a box of 8 sachets of Campbells' Stock and decided that was another successful buy.
  5. Since arriving over here, we have been trying many different types of gravy granules trying to get the same flavour as Bisto. I think that Gravox Supreme Gravy mix....is like the original Bisto powder. We have also used Green's Gravy Granules....that was fine. The one we really don't rate are Massel Gravy Mix or "beef style" stock powder - that are actually suitable for VEGETARIANS!! Yuk. Julie
  6. I have searched and I don't think we can get discount(with a Seniors Card) on GAS, Electricity or Water in NSW.....please someone tell me we can?
  7. Now I am confused...so if I wanted to pop back to the UK for 10 days holiday I have to get an RRV before going. I have a permanent CPV?
  8. We live in NSW (we have got seniors cards) and having seen your post I have tried to find some information about discounts off Gas/Electricity or water....but I can't. Any discount would be very welcome. Can anyone point me in the right direction please?
  9. In NSW we were eligible for the $7000 first time buyers allowance. The stamp duty is on a sliding scale....you pay nothing for a house around $500,000 up to the maximum stamp duty once you reach $600,000. Julie
  10. Well Westpac are going to knock 1% off their interest rates this year....so do you all still think "doom and gloom" or can you see a glimmer of hope? Julie
  11. Don't get despondent. A lot of local papers in Australia are reporting on a downturn in profits....David Jones for one. Markets over here are beginning to look as though perhaps they have not escaped. Milk markets are feeling the pressure of the high dollar so it is affecting Australian exports badly and Australian tourism....this may help us all. So maybe we can all hope for a little blip in the future. Julie
  12. I had taken my old policy c/w information about no claims, but they didn't ask to see it, they took my word for it. We got our car insurance via the dealership where we bought the car. They also said that when we renew at the end of the year we can go back to them and get their dealership discount again. We are insured with Suncorp....but we checked out several via Choice. Julie
  13. There is a useful Australian Government website where you can compare the various providers and their offerings. http://www.privatehealth.gov.au/ We also subscribed to Choice (The Australian version of Which) whilst we were looking for insurance, health funds etc. We managed to get a full no claims bonus on our car insurance too! Julie
  14. Hear, hear....we left the UK at the end of October, but seeing your message brings the emotions straight back. We have just enjoyed a Sunday lunch with both our children, their spouses, our two granddaughters and the labradoodle.....something we could only dream of in the UK. Good luck to you....it is all worthwhile. Julie and Ian
  15. Don't forget to budget for buying an electric blanket once you arrive. It is can be pretty cold at night. JUlie
  16. UK Forex is very good too. They don't charge a fee provided you move £3000 at a time. I definitely decided against having it done automatically as you would lose out on the exchange rate - I know - we are all losing out on the exchange rate....but at least we can decided how little we are prepared to accept for our pension! Julie
  17. We just asked our local solicitor, but there is quite a list of people you could use - I am pretty sure similar to the list who could sign your passport photos. Julie
  18. We took a brand new food processor still in it original packaging and did not have to pay any tax. We also took two old vacuum cleaners without any problems. I had given them a thorough clean however. If you do buy new I would remove the packaging just to be on the safe side. Ian
  19. We had a Hepatitis B vaccination before our first holiday to Australia and later a second one that the nurse told us would see us through - meaning until we die! No side affects, it just seemed a sensible thing to do. Someone else told me to get my mammogram X Rays (or whatever they are) to take with me, because they like to compare the last two results with current mammograms - that was much easier than I thought, just rang up the unit, they put them in the post with an invoice. Julie
  20. What gets me about the toll roads is how my Sat Nav asks such a convoluted question....something along the lines of: Do you want your route to avoid not going on toll roads? Julie
  21. Hi Cakey That's us - Julie and Ian.....and no Phil has obviously got it wrong - what he means is that the OAP is frozen at the amount when you leave the country, i.e. not index linked - nothing to do with the exchange rate. ......we haven't seen the programme yet, but are happily living in the house he found for us. Ian and Julie
  22. Good luck Matt, we do hope that your belongings have not been flooded and arrive safely. Enjoyed our drink together in Shilton. It was nice to put a face to name. Julie and Ian
  23. I think (but I may be wrong) this may be because the fumigation or destroying is arranged by the firm handling the importation and therefore they can add on whatever costs for handling etc. that they feel are necessary. AQIS just stipulate which items need fumigating/destroying. We moved from Carterton in Oxfordshire. The cost was £7532 plus approx £2150 for insurance. Ian
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