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Everything posted by yomvard

  1. Ok thanks for nothing. I understood this site is for help and info, but obviously only for some, such as panman ,but not all then.:huh:
  2. Hi Allen. Sorry to be a bit thick, but I didn't quite understand your reply:huh: We are trying to sell out main residence and leave the money in the UK when we move. We have had our visa since Sept 10. I understand we will pay UK tax on the intererst accrued but when we move the money to buy an Aus house in the next couple of years depending on the exchange rate, where do we stand with tax in Aus ? Sandy
  3. Hi Charlie, You are right, but the problem here in Victoria (we are here on holdiay) is that you have to exchange licences within 6 months of the date of the issue of the visa or you have to re-take the driving test. With regard to the Medicard, if you apply before you officiially reside here, you loose a Lifecover protection, so it is better to wait until then and getting pivate cover within 6 months to get the Lifecover protection. If you dont get private cover within the 6 months after getting the Medicare card, you have to pay a very high premium yourself instead of Gov. funding this for you. Hope this makes some sense. :radar::biggrin: regards Sandyii
  4. Hi Kelly, Most of us with kids in Aus go for either the CPV143 or the temporary 173 as this is the best route for most of us. The aged parent takes aprox 20 yrs, so no good for Dad. The 143 and 173 both ultimately cost approx £40k depending on the exchange rate, but with the 173 you only pay half to start and the rest to upgrade within 2 years. I do know you cannot apply for the 143 onshore ,but dont know about the 173. The best person to help you is Gill (Gollywobbler) who is an expert on these visas and has helped us get ours and a lot of other besides. She hopefully will pick up your post and reply quickly. I am sure there are lots of others who will help you get all info you need. Dont be afraid to ask any questions as there are many who will know the answers. Good luck Sandy
  5. Hi Steve. We have just got back from validating the visa and also experienced the weather with you, especially the tropical storms over the bay. Almost as much rain in 2 weeks as we would get in UK. It came hard yesterday landing at Heathrow in -2 degrees after leaving 30 degrees even if it is raining !!! Hope you have settled in and beginning to appreciate Melbourne. regards Sandy:arghh:
  6. Hi Wilma, I think in your position ,as time is passing ,would be to contact your CO, either phone of e-mail and explain what is happening with Centrelink and that your stepson had been told to just fill in the forms and not have an appointment as expected and that you are worried about the time limit. I found that if you notify your CO of every move, even down to letting them know all the forms had been sent etc etc. Then they are aware of what is happening at each step and so are able to advise you. Whatever happens, they have come across every problem at some stage and I think they are there to help you get the visa asap, and so if you liase with them, they can help you. Obviously sometimes you can get a jobsworth, but on the whole I get the impression that they help you, I know ours was brilliant and replied to e-mails within 2 days for any queries we had about what to do. Good luck,let me know how things go. regards Sandy
  7. Hi Wilma, I expect lots of people will reply for you, but just in case... Heres what we did. Arranged to send the money across to our sons account via Hifx and he made an appointment with Centrelink for assessment to be a sponsor. After being accepted, he had to open a bank account with Commonwealth Bank, who will guided him through the details. Once the money has been depositied in the account , he go a receipt and made another appointment with Centrelink again. By then the bank had notified Centrelink that the account has been opened. Centrelink then agreed for our son to be the sponsor and notify our CO and all is done. Bit fiddly for your SIL but just another step in the process. He will need to take details of his income and the forms for sponsorship duly filled in. In the meantime you do the rest of forms and send to CO as asked. You might be able to get an extension if Centrelink cant give a quick appointment for your SIL, they differ from state to state how quick they can process this. Good luck :biggrin:
  8. Hi Kirtsy, I have MS and am in a wheelchair and have just been granted a CPV143. Medical issues are a worry but we frontloaded(meaning had the meds done with a appointed medical doctor) and sent them for clearance just after we had applied and had the acknowledgement number. They were cleared within a week after having been refered to Sydney, so we proceeded with the necessary wait and final medical 16 months later. We did not use an agent as we had been told by a very expensive agent in Melbourne that it would be very unlikely to get a visa due to my medical condition. It turns out that is not necessarily the case, as I have proved, it depends on whether your Mum is able to care for herself on a day to day basis without incurring the possibility of costing the Aussie govt big dollars in the next 5years. The lady to help you with the info you need with be Gill (Gollywobbler) who is a mine of information on the CPV143 and who gave us the courage to go for it. Hopefully she will pick up your thread and help you. Good luck and be hopeful!! Also the CPV143 gives full access to Medicare but not benefits (not for 10 years ) regards Sandy
  9. Hi Cakey and Phoebe, We are in the same position as my husband is a cleaner here and hoping to do the same to support us in Aus. Both my sons have been in Aus for 10years and keep assuring us that there are plenty of jobs and especially for older people as it is normal for older people to work later as most of the benefits are hard to get and most are means tested anyway. At first when we went over there I was horrified to see pension aged and disabled people working in shops, on the streets selling things and outside shops shouting their wares. However is seems to be a normal thing as oldies work much later than here. So going on this, then employers must also hire oldies musn't they? regards Sandy
  10. Hi Phobe, Yeah and PIMP (People in Mornington Peninsula) !!!!!! Doesn't Petal live around this area ??? regards Sandy
  11. Hi Gill, How ridiculous is that !!! Once we all have our visas, whichever type they are, that is in the past and surely the whole point is to make friends and enjoy evenings together in the land that we have fought to obtain to be with our families. I dont understand this "us and them "mentality, surely we are in the same boat trying to get settled and make a happy life not just with our families, but making friends too. Oops I have probably upset a few people now :arghh:
  12. Hi Gill, Need to find the Mornington Peninsula group and get together organizer!!! Hopefully they do have one????Please !!!!!:wideeyed:
  13. Hi Phoebe, What a good idea, maybe for us too, if out brains haven't stagnated. Will run it by Colin too perhaps start a new direction !! regards Sandy
  14. And so say all of us,,,,and so say all of Us:yes::yes::yes::yes: Sandy
  15. Hi Phoebe, I think we would all love your secret to loosing weight. I am size 18, in a wheelchair and still passed my meds, so dont worry. But I would like to loose a couple of stone too, so Phoebe lets have the goss!!! regards Sandy:jiggy:
  16. Hi Mike, Dont know much about the London panel doctors, we went to The Bridge, Maidenhead the second time and they were very friendly, scarily efficiient. However, when I failed the urine test, had an infection, they allowed me to go back when it was clear and do the test again, so that they could send the meds off clear. However, with me , it wasnt necessary as the CO took my frontloaded meds from last year and extended the time limit for and extra 6 months to enable the visa to go through. They cleared Colins meds from the Bridge okay though. Good luck with yours when the time comes. I must admit, the medical with Dr. Goodall in Southampton was much, much easier, not so rigorous, I didn't even have to get out of my wheelchair whereas in Maidenhead they went over me with a fine tooth comb, even more than they did with Colin, which after already having my meds done with Dr Goodall, it came as quite a shock and I was really cross that Colin had an easier time. Still I suppose they only did their job, but Dr Goodall was different altogether. So kind and understanding. All good things seem to disappear these days. Not visas though eh!!! regards Sandy:biggrin:
  17. Hi Gill, Most definately I intend contacting him to tell him our news and also to give him my heartfelt thanks. He should never have been taken off the list of panel doctor as he gave so much confidence to go for it. regards Sandy
  18. Hi Miken Sue, Thank you for your kind words...but we looked on it that if we hadn't tried, we definately wouldn't be able to go whereas at least the worst they could say was no, but the best happened. So I say to everyone. try and try again....okay it will cost a bit in money as well as hopes, but...nothing gained etc... All my best wishes to you both and your success. I will be keeping tabs on everyone and let you know how our move goes next year. Got to sell the house now that is real stress !!!Not good for MS believe me!!!:arghh: regards Sandy
  19. At LAST !!!!! We have the precious visa granted today...Please can we have that lovely red star Steve. It is thanks to this website that this has happened and advice from the lovely Gil (Gollywobbler) that has made this happen. Having M.S. I had been told by a very expensive agent in Melbourne that it is highly unlikely that I would obtain a visa due to my critical condition. Just goes to show that it isn't always the case. Good luck to all still in the waiting room. Time soon passes. regards Sandy
  20. Hi Phoebe, Ok, now your off and time will fly by what with all the sorting out. !!! Sandy xx
  21. Hi Gill, Tell me about it, but sons still not happy about the tax implication. Said to do so if have to, but Nick runs a recruitement company and Rich pays 47 per cent tax already and isnt convinced that he will not be penalised. Thought I would use another way. Will chase HIFX today and chase the bank draft as they have already cleared the funds. regards Sandy
  22. Oh Gill, I didn't read back what I had written. I meant, of course that it was us who thought we wouldn't get a visa, it was you who said we could and gave us the knowledge and confidence to do it. Hope you understood what I meant. Enjoy the lovely sailing weather....or you are probably working hard. regards Sandy
  23. Hi Gill, I followed your advice and gave the CO a nudge and she came back on the 27th Aug. asking for 2nd Vac. I am going with HIFX but the annoying part is that when I talked to chappie about setting this up for them to send the back draft to CO, it turns out that they dont do that now although when I enquired a few weeks back, they did. Anyway they send the draft to me and I have to get it to CO. Something about it takes 8 weeks to reissue a draft and they wont take the responsibility of it getting lost. So. I asked, what about getting it to me....they use Royal Mail snail mail and it is still my responsibility again. We didn't fancy using credit cards as no control over rate so HiFX it is. I got a rate of $1.7320 which wasnt bad, so went with it. Of course it takes 4 days to get money over to them which should have been finished on 31st Aug. Still waiting for confirmation that they have cleared funds and they will issue bank draft and then I wait for a week for it!!!!! I cannot believe that there isn't an easier way of doing this without loosing out on exchange rate. :arghh: I will let you know when the magical visa is granted. I cant believe it is happening as when I put the original thread on PIO and you answered, that it was not possible. The boys send their grateful thanks to you. regards Sandy
  24. Have you tried chasing the Health Operations Centre to find out whether Colin's meds have cleared without any hassle? I suspect that they have cleared and that there is no hassle. You can use the on-line form to e-mail them and they reply within 3 working days (as DIAC require from all of their staff.) About Health Operations Centre (HOC) Hi Gill, I think I must be a bit dense, but cant see an e-mail address....phone and address, yes but not e-mail. I am bound to be missing it. Guide me someone please before I phone to renew my glasses Sandy
  25. Thanks Gill, Yes I will contact the HOC, I just assumed the CO would let me know, she did say she would look out for them. I asked her a question last Thursday, a week ago and no answer so I assume she is away or very busy. She has always come back next day before. I have sent this thread to Rich to read , so perhaps he will agree to pay the 2nd vac if I send him the money. Thanks for all info you have given me again. Hope you are well regards Sandy
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