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Status Replies posted by rammygirl

  1. Hi,

    I've seen that you from a post that you live in Hahndorf which I've visited and would appreciate your honest views on life in the hills if you're trying to get to a school in the Easten Suburbs.  I have always liked Stirling, but have also considered some of the areas around Mount Barker, but have never been there and would just like a sense of what it's like.

    I'm back in October to look at a couple of other schools, one in Athelstone and another in Springfield and also to try to get a sense of where we want to live when we move early next year - Probably Eastern or Hills again!

    Any guidance you could give would be most welcomed.

    Thanks 🙂

    1. rammygirl


      We lived in Norwood and loved it, we could walk into the city if we wanted. We moved to the Hills as we owned a house up here (it was rented out after we built as we returned to the UK for a few years so never lived in it!).  We weren’t sure but prices in Norwood had rocketed so we gave it a go.  We love it up here.  

      It does depend what your lifestyle is.  We have grown up sons who live away one in Canberra and one stayed in the Eastern suburbs in a house share in Kensington.

      We like to be able to walk to cafes and restaurants and like the buzz of Hahndorf even though it can get crazy busy sometimes !  

      Mount Barker has grown massively but the new estates are pretty nice and more shops and facilities will be built nearer to them eventually. 

      The other towns up here are also growing but more slowly but have nice cafes and more going on than previously, but a teenager may well not appreciate that!

      I would spend some time looking around as things have changed and are still developing up here.

      We still go into the city for nights out, theatre and events etc.  I am retired and Hubby only works in the city one day a week now so commuting isn’t an issue for us so I can’t comment on that either.

      It is definitely a few degrees colder up here, both winter and summer (so swings and roundabouts there).  We built our home and specified extra insulation and double glazing As well as ensuring we get sun into the main rooms in the winter for free warmth!  Some of the houses up here, especially older ones are poorly insulated though.

      It is a very personal thing where to live as everyone likes different things and a different family dynamic.

      We love the peace up here and the community spirit without being isolated.  A house on acreage where I had to drive to go anywhere is not me.  I like to have neighbours I can chat to and pop round for a coffee and we love cycling and walking up here as we can be out in the countryside in minutes. 

      From here to the bottom of the freeway is 12 minutes, but it takes me another 20 to 30 mins to get to Kensington depending on the traffic.


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