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Everything posted by clubby67

  1. Thats a great help. Thank you Band C Good luck with your journey. Wilma
  2. Visa Evidencing Hi everyone when I got the email to say a needed to pay 2nd VAC they also asked which overseas mission I would get my visa evidencing of the visa grants into my passport. I email Australia House in London to see if we could send the passports or would we have to go in in person, the reply I got was that they no longer put a label in your passport it is all done though your passport number, I emailed my CO just to check this was the case and she replied that yes, some countries have started to use the electronic number system which includes the UK, but she did say that we can still get the label put in the passport if we wish as some people including me like the piece of mind knowing it is there. I just have to follow the instructions on the visa grant letter when we get it. Maybe some of you knew this already but I didn't and I like hard proof that it there before I go to the airport. Wilma
  3. Hi there we sent ours by courier and they arrived no problem. Hope that helps. Wilma
  4. Hi everyone just sent a massive amount of money over to my son to pay our visa, went through HiFx, I was having cold sweats and everything trying to do it online as you could see the exchange rate going up and down all the time I was doing the application, but never mind its done now I got a rate of 1.57, I know I could of gotten a better rate with uk forex but it was only slightly higher and I had never dealt with them before and was a bit weary, I used HiFx when we paid the first visa charge and was happy with them. Should take 1-4 days to clear in his account then he will pay the money to Perth. Oh my its finally happening scary:eek: !!! Wilma
  5. Hi there Phoebe, we had problems with Centrelink they required an additional sponsor and because there is not an actual Centrerlink office in the Gold Coast its only an agent or something I think everything was getting sent snail mail so we had to get 2 extensions one for 21 days then another one for 28 day, but its all sorted now thank god, now just got to hand over the big bucks now. pity the exchange rate was not better though. Wilma
  6. Good luck with the move hope it all goes smoothly. Hopefully wont be long till we are on our way too. Wilma:smile:
  7. Hi there, just to keep you updated we paid our AoS on the 7th Jan and they have just asked for the 2nd visa charge yesterday, I think we will transfer the money to my stepson's account in oz, think we might get a better rate that way. Steve can you update the tracker please. Thanks Wilma
  8. Great news about the visa, we wont be far behind you we applied June 2009. Wilma
  9. Hi there just to let you know we got another 21 days to get our AOS set up. Thanks again for your advice. Wilma
  10. Thanks Sandy I have emailed CO hopefully wont be long before I get a reply. Wilma
  11. Thanks for that Yomvard just a bit worried that centerlink never give my stepson an appointment they just said to fill out forms and post them back, wondering how long that would take. Do I tell my co that my stepson and his wife a planning on being our assurers when I send back the rest of the paperwork. Wilma
  12. Hi there wondered if anyone can answer my question, I got a request for more documents, police certificates, form 80 and assurance of support within 28 days but not sure if I have to pay the AOS by then or just to get it arranged, my stepson in oz got in touch with centrelink and they told him he wont need an interview at the moment but would send him forms to fill in and would get in touch if they needed to. I did email my CO but have got no reply so far,I am running out of time and panicking, do I just send the forms I do have and hope that centrelink sorts it out on time. Hope someone can help Wilma
  13. Hi Steve and everyone Just a quick note to let you know I did email as you suggested and we had been allocated a case officer on the 18 October and it said they would be in touch soon, then low and behold got another email next day requesting police checks,form 80 and who our AoS is going to be. It all seems so real now, scary but exciting at the same time. Thanks for you advice and can you up date the tracker now please.
  14. Hi there I have had no word about a co yet should I be getting worried, thought I would of heard by now,going by Steve's tracker we are next on that list. Wilma.
  15. Hi there June Not to sure where we are headed yet my husband has 2 sons one in Benowa and one at Runaway Bay so maybe somewhere in between. Getting really excited and scared at the same time, we are trying to pack up the house but coz we are not going to oz yet its trying to keep the stuff separate, whats going to oz and what do we need now!!. What about you guys do you have a house to sell, is it just you and your partner thats going or do you have a family?, we have 2 Girls aged 16 and 13 oh and a dog! Wilma
  16. Hi June, we applied in June 2009 and are also off to the Gold Coast, its a small world! Got our medicals done in July, just away to do the police checks,oh and we sold out house last week,its all go, not sure where were are going mean time, have to be out of the house by the end of October so have to find somewhere to rent soon. Hope we get out CO soon. Good Luck to you too. Wilma
  17. Hi there can you up date our time line as we had our medicals done on the 29 July. Thanks Wilma
  18. Hi there, glad to hear they are moving down the list hopefully wont be long till we get ours. Good luck Wilma
  19. Hi there just wondered if anyone knows where the contributory parent visa are at now, we applied June 2009 wondered when we would hear anything. We got our medicals done on Thursday at Edinburgh. Thanks Wilma:daydreaming:
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