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Status Updates posted by KarenG

  1. <p>I don't know if i've made it better or worse lol. Anyway, how are things with you ? i'm fine, Ross is well settled at school now, the second week he was like a different boy he loves it now. And Abbie is good as gold as usual, she is such a wee angel. We are just taking things easy now re the moving to Oz, we'll go to leeds and london at the end of the month and just take things from there. Nothing else we can do. How's all your plans going ? xx</p>

  2. <p>OMG ! you are mad ! i'm just getting the hang of this, i'll have to review my page it is very boring now. Karen xx</p>


    <p>Hi Dawn, you are so lucky, you seem to be well on your way. There is so much paper work and stuff to sort out isn't there. We are kind of in limbo at the minute because we don't know whether to put the house on the market or rent it out. Plus we don't know if we should be starting to sort stuff out now, like clearing out personal belongings and things, or if we should wait until we get a sponsor. It is head wrecking. If a sponsor comes along we want to be ready to just go but we don't know if a sponsor is ever going to come along. And all the doubts are starting to set in now, like, what if we don't ever get into Oz what will we do ? It's stressful times ahead i think !!</p>

    <p>That's my wee moan over now, haha.</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Karen xxx</p>



    <p>Hi Dawn, How's things with you ? we're still the same, just searching for jobs, we are going to leeds now on the 18th/19th of Oct to the working in australia jobs expo. and then we are going to London on the 1st of Nov to meet the Thinking Australia crowd. We have sort of calmed ourselves a bit because we know it's going to take a while to get everything sorted. It's not so easy to get a sponsor. But chin-up, we'll keep positive and hopeful. Hope your plans are coming along.</p>

    <p>Karen xx</p>


  5. <p>Hi Dawn, i just thought i would say hello. i have spent all day searching for jobs and sending e-mails, i even plucked up the courage to phone a guy in perth. he was so nice, and he told me to send him Ainslie's cv. So fingers crossed. I'm gona do the same tomorrow, i have another few job adverts here. I figure he who dares wins at this stage in the game. Where abouts are you hoping to go to ? we were thinking perth or brisbane. i havefriends in perth so that would be nice, but we would go anywhere really. xx</p>

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