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Status Updates posted by emmaj


    <p>Hi Hun,</p>

    <p>It has been a little wet and grim here the last two days but the temp is increasing every day so by the time you get here......it will be sunny!! Fingers crossed anyway cus i could do with some sunshire. </p>

    <p>What date do you fly? Have you got someone meeting you at the airport? Who are you flying with?</p>

    <p>See you soon, the wine is chilling already!</p>




  2. <p>Tis done! Let me know if you dont get it x x</p>

  3. <p>No? Im logged on there right now and i havent got any friend requests? I wonder if youve got the right Emma? x x</p>

  4. <p>Oh excellent, request me as a friend <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I can moan to you on there too then lol x</p>

  5. <p>Hello my lovely! Im doing so well thank you! Things are moving very quickly yet slowing if thats possible. lol. the journey was great and we managed to sort out medicare and bank accounts etc on the first day, but then matt got ill so that has slowed us down a little. We have a rented (ok) appartment (small lol) for the next 3 weeks and from looking at the websites, have little to move into. Im starting to stress but fingers crossed that dream rental is just around the corner lol. Hope you are well? Emma x x x x x</p>


    <p>Hi Hun,</p>

    <p>Im just really bored hence all the threads lol. I thought this not working malarkey would be fun but no! So Im going back to work on Tuesday, so peeps will get a break from my useless dribble lol.</p>

    <p>I wish my visa would be granted, im excited now I will be hyper then! </p>

    <p>Take care</p>





    <p>Excellent news! I will keep everything crossed for you!</p>

    <p>Im not sure if these changes affect us or not to be honest. The company that is sponsoring us is sorting out our visa and as far as i know his skill is still on modl. They should be in touch with us next week so i will check with them then as we need to know as we are putting things into place for us to move the end of April!!</p>

    <p>Take care</p>





    <p>Hi Hun,</p>

    <p>How are things? Im loving it in Perth and things are looking promising with regards to making a more perm move here in April!!</p>

    <p>Hope you are well.</p>




  9. <p>Oh its my fave colour!! I think it clashes a little but hey! x x</p>

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