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Everything posted by realitynotincluded

  1. Hi, you haven't mention which state you are in. Could help if someone is over east. WA is not big on sponsoring disability as they are ten a penny here, from what l have heard most become students of community services IV or diploma ( not sure which one) and then get a bridging visa until they get PR. whilst on the bridging visa it involves achieving the points system that you can find on the visa site etc. might be worth considering as an option.
  2. <p><p>Thought this would be more helpful than personal advice <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /><a href="<a href="http://www.financecomparison.com.au/bad-credit-loans-article-disappear.cfm" rel="external nofollow">http://www.financecomparison.com.au/bad-credit-loans-article-disappear.cfm</a>" rel="external nofollow"><a href="http://www.financecomparison.com.au/bad-credit-loans-article-disappear.cfm" rel="external nofollow">http://www.financecomparison.com.au/bad-credit-loans-article-disappear.cfm</a></a></p></p>

  3. hellllooooo...... Zim-pom-aussie here lol We have nothing to complain about here... suppose once u experience Zim... survive the uk winters... this is as close as you are getting to somewhere u can call home :biggrin: To get an idea of where is best to live etc you need to see what others have to say about the state they live in.. we settled well in Perh.... very much like Harare.. without the burgalar bars and fences lol
  4. <p><p>So glad you are settling in... good to hear hubby working.. excellent post... glad you are mastering the driving lol... keep in touch</p></p>

  5. <p><p>HI there Bridey... Are we allowed to say welcome to Perth yet.... hope u had a safe journey... give us a shout if you are in need of anything or hubby wants to get in touch</p></p>

  6. Don't touch it.... its a money spinner ... they dont give you anything that you can't find out yourself
  7. <p>we have ended up in perth WA... we only managed to sell our house by the seat of our pants last year before it all went down hill. Good luck on your results..... Jan</p>


    <p>hi sorry l didnt get back to you straight away... work and all that lol! Was just wondering... l used to live in Caxton.... that funny little place just down the road from cambourne lol..... been here 15 months and loving it</p>

    <p>so l was just curious Jan</p>


  9. <p>Hi . hope you dont me just barging in on your vistors board but l was just curious if you ment cambourne in cambridge or cornwall. Jan</p>

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