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Fitting in and making friends


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Hello, my family and I have been living in Perth for just over 4 years..we moved from Scotland in the middle of the worst winter I can remember!!

I moved with work and fortunately this has kept me really busy. My youngest son was born here and my OH has stayed at home to look after him and ferry the older two in and out of school.

We don’t have family out here, so my wife needed something to keep herself busy...help her make friends and earn some money while looking after our boys.


The absolute best thing in the world for her has been party planning / direct selling. Every day she’s chatting to new people or folk she’s either organised parties for or has recruited. I’m not going to quit my job this minute..but she’s earning enough to keep herself and Kmart happy and its growing. I’m really pleased for her, it ticks alot of boxes for our family, giving her friends, flexibility, a fun (low stress) income and the ability to work towards some really attractive goals.


I’ve read a number of posts from people that are struggling to settle and make friends. It could be stepping outside your comfort zone a bit..but that’s often the best path to take! Don’t go and make yourself another coffee or check to see if the postie has been :) Go online and google direct selling / multi level marketing / party planning…find something you’re interested in and connect with their consultants. Even if you do have another job...we could all do with more friends and a bit of a stretch target.


It may not suit everyone..this is just something that's made it easier for us to settle.

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