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Anything in this?


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Hi all :)


We moved over to Perth when I was 11, and my parents said they would never live in England again, only holiday there to see family. Dad even took it one step further than this and said he wouldn't even go back on holiday, which was proven by him not going back with us in 2009.


So for the 7 years we have been here, he hasn't mentioned wanting o go back, or even missing anything about it.


But recently, over the past 3 months or so while my auntie and uncle (from mums family) have been here, he has been slipping quick sentences in that suggest he might want to go back. He said he was thinking about going back to see his sister for her 50th, mentioned moving back when he was watching homes under the hammer (or something of that sort, I don't really pay attention :P), and also said today that we should go back for the football. All of these have just been slipped into normal conversation, so I was wondering if you thought there was anything in this, or if I'm just willing him to mean something by it?


Thanks everyone!

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Well I'm an in your face sort of person and dont mess about. Your 18, grab a couple of beers, sit him down and tell him what your thinking, he might very well be thinking along the sames lines as you are.


Good luck

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