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Drilling Engineer Opportuities in WA(WA SS questionnaire )


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I have been searching for drilling engineer opportunities in WA but it seems all opportunities are concentrated in Perth. 03 regions have to be selected as per the WA state sponsorship questionnaire,but its difficult to explain the opportunities in regions other than perth. I was wondering if anyone in the forum who is or has been working in the oil and gas industry in WA can shed some light on areas other than perth where drilling activities are going on.


Moreover in the question # 3 Do you have you any evidence that your skill is in long-term demand in your region of preference? what kind of evidence they are demanding. I have searched different job opportunities for drilling engineer on seek.au and some other recruiting agencies and I was thinking of putting the job links. Is it ok?



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thanks toOZ2012...well I have looked into various threads...didnt get the info specific to drilling engineer position...


regarding the question funds coming from?? I have gold worth arnd AUD 20000 and shops that are not in my name but have been leased from the govt on my behalf for 100 years worth arnd 16-18000$. Will these two sources do good for the funds evidence..

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