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UK Tax Refunds once you move


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I'm not convinced my brain, addled with last night's XXXX bitter, is working correctly - but the way I have estimated is I multiplied months actually worked by the amount of tax paid to get 2011/12 tax to date. Then I multiplied the gross monthly salary by the same factor, and used the tax calculator to see how much tax would be due for that amount of annual earnings. Then I deducted tax owed from tax paid. Probably equates to what you did, I just worded it differently?


However our tax situation is a bit 'special' as we are reluctant landlords with a rental income, which will screw it all up so I have no clue how it will all work!

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I think (and really I have no idea) you will get more than you are estimating. You are estimating how much based on the same income to tax ratio - but you will be taxed less because you have earn't less.

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