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Heading to Brisbane in around 4 weeks - looking forward to the social scene!


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Hey guys,


The title says it all. I've been following this forum since the opportunity to work in Brisbane arose back in October. I'm hoping to get the final visa issues sorted over the next few weeks or so, with the aim of flying out towards the end of April. The company I'm with are putting me up for 6 weeks in a serviced apartment near the office - which is opposite the Exhibition centre in South Brisbane. I've checked out the rental rates in the area and across the city region, but will have to wait till I am out there to see what things are really like; and how much free cash I have at the end of the first month before deciding on where to live afterwards!


So yeah, I'm wanting to throw myself into the social scene as much as possible. I'm 30 years old and enjoy bars, sport (especially pool - used to be the social sec at Uni), the outdoors and am seeking some adventure! Anybody or groups in the area that are up for a few drinks or activities when I arrive?


Also - I've been looking at the option of either locating in the city or in a suburb with an easy walk to the station. What are the trains like? Are they generally packed in rush hours? Are they air-conditioned (I assume so!)...what are the rates like compared to UK commuting? Are they on time? Do they break down/get delayed a lot (thankfully not due to "Frozen points at Leeds, when I'm in Birmingham")!


Again, without rambling - what inner city areas are best for the bar scene? I came across Kangaroo Point today - looks quite decent, at least from over the net.




- Matt.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

Lucky you, we were in Brisbane towards the end of April and the weather was incredible, best of luck.

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Trains are OK, apart from when the network breaks down, which happened twice in the last month. Kangaroo Point would be well worth a look for you, I lived there in the 90's, just hop on a ferry and you're in the CBD, if you fancy inner city living and don't mind an apartment its fab. Also closer to your work is West End but I'd go with KP (nice pub there too).

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