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Defacto Visa Questions!


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Hello everyone!


I'm from the UK and am going to be applying for my defacto visa in a few months time, Im currently on a working holiday visa (1st year). I was just wondering what the correct visa application form was to use? (There are so many!:arghh:) Also the cost in the application? I thought it was 3k AUD but I have since read 2k AUS? Also I understand you can get the bridging visa while the application is decided, which is the correct form for this? And also the cost?


Any help is much appreciated!! :cute:

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These are the pages you need to read: http://www.immi.gov.au/migrants/partners/partner/820-801/ The "applying for this visa" page has links to all the forms etc you'll need.

This booklet needs to become your bible: http://www.immi.gov.au/allforms/booklets/books1.htm


The costs are different depending on whether you are inside or outside australia. If you apply in Australia, the cost is currently $2960, and processing times seem to be up to and over a year based on this thread: http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/migration-issues/80286-onshore-partner-visa-application-time-frame.html

When you submit your application, you will automatically be issued with a bridging visa A which will kick in once your WHV expires. The bridging visa will have the same work conditions as your WHV (6month rule).


If you do have full time work, once you've applied for the visa and are still on your WHV, you can apply for the 6month restriction to be lifted. See info and link to application form at bottom of this page: http://www.immi.gov.au/visitors/working-holiday/417/obligations.htm

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