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Proof of De Facto Relationship


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Some of you may have already seen. I have been offered a job in Newacstle in New South Wales.


When put in touch wihth the WorkingIn agent, she was asking about my relatiosnhip wiht my partner. I have been with my girlfriend for over 6 years. Without going into great detail, unfortunately we have not been living together officially or not having shared accounts. We have one account in her name, which we both contribute towards. This along with one holiday confirmation, a hotel confirmation for my birthday, both our car insurance documents detailing each policy as having one another as additional driver and some other bits and bobs we have.


The WorkingIn agent says that the evidence may not be enough :-(


Has anyone ever been in a similar situation, with having to provide info ona de facto relationship. If only we had kept all our documents from all our holidays, shared accounts and the only reason we don no live together right now is due to us saving and trying to gain a job/sponsor in Australia. Any advice/ help to put us at ease would be brilliant....or if we need to panic then honesty will be appreciated!!!

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Hi, I my not be of much use to you and I am sure that other people will come along with more sound advice. I would try and get as much as you can including photos, letters from friends and family confirming your relationship. Even tho the bank account is in your partners name, the statements will show that you have paid in money as well. Really it is anything at all that you can think of. Every little helps..... best of luck to you

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Guest truebeliver

im not much help also but i would give the same advice as bex get relatives and mutual friends to write statements anything you can think of maybe the local shop that serves you mite be able to write something if your seen together in there frequently or your local pub

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If you're going for a sponsored 457 visa, the requirements to prove the defacto relationship are much less than if you are apply for a partner visa. From the 457 checklist:


If you have a de facto partner additional evidence is required and may include

Co-habitation evidence

Joint bank account statements

Joint ownership/leasing of property

Other legal documents


there is no 12 month living together requirement.


If you have been on holiday together contact the travel companies and ask for copies of the receipt / invoice to be sent out. Do you have any invitations or Christmas cards addressed to you both?

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Thanks to all the responses, we have finally knuckled down created a de facto proof folder and filled it with as much as we possibly can just now without including photographs for now. Received a very helpful pm from Girl65 so thanks to her too.


Thanks peach we actually took that advice earlier today and managed to trace last years holiday. So that is another piece of evidence to throw at them.


Starting to feel more confident now, I have got a friend who is an officer of the law haha he has knows our relationship so he will send away a signed statement, Thanks again for your advice and support. This thread was posted at a time when panic was beginning to set in.

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