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Self packing, removal from Spain to UK to Aus


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We are probably going to need a 20ft container after roughly measuring the items that we would like to take with us. As we will be moving out of our current house and moving into my parents' house, we will need to pack ourselves. Is this possible? How does this affect the customs when the container arrives?


As we will be leaving from Spain, we have been advised that we would probably need to organise delivery of our items to the UK and then the removal company would take it from there. This seems to be the most straightforward way as there are not many shippers from Spain to Australia.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest oldmarried

There are plenty of shippers from Spain to Australia. Have a look at http://www.fidi.com Even if they list only one office in Spain that does not mean they don't have them all over the country as they often only list one office as a member so worth trying all the Spanish movers on the list.

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If your'e going to have a whole container to yourselves, there shouldn't be any issues with shipping from Spain, it's only if you were having to wait for another part-load that you'd potentially run into difficulties.


Customs are more likely to inspect a self-packed shipment. You'll need to make sure you number the boxes and keep a note of the contents of each box. Also make sure you get shipping insurance that covers self-packed items.

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