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Shipping a rocking horse?


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Has anyone done so? I have a very valuable wooden rocking horse that was custom made for me as a child, it even has a copy of my birth certificate and my picture inside it's belly. It's in lovely condition and a true heirloom so I would like to bring it with me, especially as my poor mum is sick of moving house with it! The thing is, with it being worth so much, I imagine it's going to be frightfully costly to ship. Has anyone shipped a rocking horse before? It's full size, probably about 5 foot tall. Another thing that worried me is that it's wooden, I would rather not have it 'treated' as it might spoil the wood!


Any advice much appreciated as I'd love to know if I can do this! xxxx

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Guest AKA63029

Hi Tulip.


I know this has been covered before but can't find the link, hopefully someone will rememeber it and post a link for it.


Cheers Tony.

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I found these threads







Sounds like its more the horse hair is the issue. If you don't mind having that redone it could be ok to take it.


However, I'll always say if in doubt, email AQIS and ask them direct and get written confirmation one way or the other. Many people take wooden things over that are not treated per se. It may well be the wood was treated when it was made anyways. If its varnished or something I'd think it would be ok. But again, check with AQIS to know for sure.

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FWIW I did an online search (Google) and all the results I found on it say its the horse hair is the concern, not the wood. People have been told they have to remove the horse hair to ship.

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