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living abroad allowance?


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Hi all just trying to decide the best time to make the move and have heard mention of an allowance for people on temp visa's a tax break i think? we'll be on a 457 visa for 2 years then we have to apply for permanent residancy or they'll put us on a plane back to the uk so this seems a good amount of time to give oz and make sure its where we want to be before buying a house, kids etc as were technically temporary is there any benefits? My partner has the job to come to and starts pretty low but will increase very quickly but in the mean time i have to find a job, possibly not what im working in now so could be a pay drop and im worried were going to struggle so just want to see exactly what our take home wage will be so i can look at options.


Any help would be much appreciated :)

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Sounds like youre thinking of LAFHA - Living Away From Home Allowance. This is dependent on the employer actually offering it - it's not an automatic tax entitlement, the employer needs to put it in the contract and will separate the LAFHA element of the salary from base salary, and only tax base salary. Best way of calculating it is to use an online tax calculator like this: http://www.paycalculator.com.au/ Put in the overall salary, note what the tax element and bottom line (take home) is. Then do the same with the base, taxable salary only. See what the difference is in tax paid, and add this to the bottom line for overall salary and that's a very rough & ready way of estimating what he'll take home.


Note however that LAFHA for residents from abroad may not be available from the next tax year starting this July - there's a consultation to amend the scheme so it may only cover people working and living away from a home in Australia. Not definite yet - but likely.

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Hmmm, at this stage if the employer hasn't mentioned LAFHA it may be that it's not offered, and depending on timing (if you arrive after June) it may not be available at all anyway! I'd assume you're not getting LAFHA and run with those figures - if you do get it, whether or not it continues after June, see it as a bonus.


There's another tax break for people who work at not-for-profit organisations, known as salary sacrificing. I've taken a job at a hospital and while the salary isn't huge, the salary sacrifice will increase my take home pay so it's almost like having a much higher paid job! You could look into working at such an organisation :o)

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:biggrin: I'm sure you'll be fine! I didn't get a job for 3 months - Christmas etc didn't help! But we managed absolutely fine, if you shop around it's not all that expensive - I make a lot of curries with ingredients from the likes of Aldi, stock up on curry pastes and other storecupboard stuff when they're on special. If we lived on convenience food like we did in the UK we'd be broke heheh!


I'm yet to get my first pay - only started last week - but it's very exciting and we can finally send money to overpay our rotten UK mortgage. Thanks to the exchange rate the $AU makes my salary look pretty inflated seeing as a chunk of it's gonna be sent to the UK!! And that leaves plenty for going out, holidays etc. Definitely look into working at a not-for-profit, this includes government (national, state and local), charities and heaven knows what else - but you will be looking at contract work being on a 457 if government job.

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Guest gerry22

im from scotland and out here on a 457.. living away from home allowance is the 1 u r talkin about ..you need to discuss it with youre employer.....BUT BE WARNED i was told they may be doing away with it in june 2012...via web sites..

two pointers

1] if your coming out to oz, after being out for a few months or so get in touch with tax credidts and family allowance [all 1 now] in uk and tell thm your workin abroad.. your claim will be passed to a specialised team,as your not entitled to claim in oz on a 457 visa you can get tax credits but not working tax credits for a period of 52 weeks only , but may get longer ,i havent got that far as im oot here workin for few months before going bk for wife and 5 kids....good luk hopes this helps

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Guest haunted1234

Hubby gets LAFHA....we haven't been informed about it being stopped in June.....although he has a pay review before then so are hoping he will get a sufficient increase to cover the loss made from this???

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