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fedup.com WARNING - RANT!


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Its been a long week - one that started so well with sending off our detailed assessment and all the excitement and trepidation then BANG :no: wed found me poorly, followed by youngest poorly followed by hubbie poorly and eldest having an ear infection to top it off!!


Now I know we'll get better but its put a real dampner on our plans as although my parents are elderly (75&80) they have done little bits this past week and have offered (again) to take eldest to school in the am so I can stay in with youngest as hub/me and youngest are still rough but hub has to go to work :cry:


I know I'm going to miss them but they wont be around forever and my brother isnt all that far down the M25 and he's his own boss so he can come up at the drop of hat.


I need hugs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sorry I did warn you! :embarrassed:

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Understand fully, just took 15 year old to the doc who said ear problems were caused by him wearing his Ipod earphones . She was right! These earphones that they stick into their ears day after day get loads of germs. Then, boiler went on the blink, cold showers for all for 2 days. Then, i did my back in and couldn't sit for 2 days, sleep for 2 nights. This is a wonderful world and we will get through it. Tomorrow is another day and I am determined to have a damned good laugh. :hug:

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LOL thanks for hugs! We are all still ill, youngest is back to the Dr today with a high temp but the recruitment consultant hubbie had applied for a job through rang last night and said they were really interested in him and could sponsor hime on a 457............. eeekkkkkkkkk :chatterbox:

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