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Hey everybody! Working visa questions


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Hey everybody, Finally decided to start posting here as I need to get some definite answers sooner rather than later. Here is a little background info on myself, firstly:


  • 21 Years old (22 in March)
  • Currently on my first year working holiday visa (4 months into that)
  • Currently working 30~ hours a week as bar staff, earning and saving lots of money for whatever I need to do next.
  • Graduated University with a BSc Degree last year in England, Business ICT and e-systems, with minor in multimedia.

I've been stressing out quite a lot since coming here, mainly because within the first month of arrival I decided that I wanted to give it a go and get sponsored, as it sounded like an easy enough thing to do, and me with my magical new degree, there'd be no reason why it wouldn't be too hard.

I've had 2 jobs here so far, both bar work as I have plenty of experience back in England doing that parttime, however as I have no specific skill with regards to my degree (in that it covered a LOT of different things, and not one thing in particular) and no experience in an 'IT' job either, I soon became disheartened when I didn't get any call backs from the 30 or so online applications I made out. Obviously I would have been very lucky to have landed a position with any company on this visa, with no skill, and applying to so few jobs, but, I've been spending the past month saving money and planning out different routes that I may wish to take, ultimately leading to perm residency.

I befriended a girl in December from Chile, who has been in Australia for a year and a half, and she is sponsored (not sure under which visa) as a graphics designer for an agency firm in Perth. She has been here for a year and a half now, shes 26, did a design degree at Univeristy in chile and spent a year working as a graphics designer before coming here...

Now I read earlier (the reason why I decided to come here to ask questions) on the immi site that to get the 857 employer sponsored visa (http://www.australiamigrate.com/employee_nominated.php) , which is what I guess she got(?) that you need 2 years work experience to get the sponsorship, with one year working for the employer. This confuses me, as I thought I could only work on this visa for 6 months with any employer. what could have probably happened here?


I have decided that I want to go into graphic design too, as I have always been creative, I was best in my university modules whenever i had to design something and I feel like if I have to decide now, what I want to do for the rest of my life, I think i'm going to be a lot happier doing something graphic orientated than something less creative. I'm working on a portfolio as I have nothing to show for myself, so in all my spare time i'm trying to get better on photoshop, and fast, and put together a small website of my work, and then find a job.. but is this possible for me, as I don't have any prior work experience?

What options do I have?


I really don't want to work on a farm for 3 months to get another 12 months to just try, I really want to go about this the best way possible, and work hard sure, but I don't want to have false information or expectations. I've heard so many people, her included tell me "oh its easy, just get a job and get sponsored, you're english, you have a degree, bla bla" but I don't know if its all that simple when it comes down to the bullet points on the immigration paperwork, etc.


I've been planning out my different route options, and I really dont want to have to, but Im saving up for a 2 year TAFE course in graphics design, If I dont get a sponsorship, so I can get all the credits for immigration and an extra 18 months to work and get sponsored. but If I go this route, its like 3-4 years before I even see a sponsorship... I want it now, if possible, and am willing to work my ass off to get it, or at least put myself in better stead to get it on my second year visa after spending 3 months on a farm.


Thanks a lot for reading, sorry for the long rant, and thank you so so much if you can help me out with some advice/input here!

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It might be a good idea to invest some money in a consult with a migration agent. My feeling is that because you don't have the work experience, you are going to struggle (as you're finding out) to be sponsored onto a 457 visa.

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I would hope that it wouldn't cost more than a few hundred dollars. Alternately, contact one of the UK ones who will give you an initial chat for free. http://www.gomatilda.com (I used!) and http://www.ianharrop.co.uk both get high recommendation. Yes, 457 gives the employer the right to try before they buy so to speak, but gives the employee less rights. 857 is a regional sponsored visa, which could also be a goer with you being in Perth.

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