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So how much do you think we'll need?


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Hi All it's me again.

Been told as a family we will need 4-5 weeks to settle in by hubbys company so they are flexible on his start date.

Omg this worries me as we are struggling to sell the house & money is tight .

So has any one got a rough idea on how much we need to bring with us we have free accommodation for a while so it's just living expences for hubby & I and our 3 children.


Can you ease my mind some what please.

Thank you again for any help i can get

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Hi Kate

the company are hiring us a car so thats not a worry. so i think it's just eating and enjoying the time together. Really hoped house would be in the process of sale going through so we would have a couple of grand coming our way to keep us going.

I no i'm stressing but hubby is a chilled guy & i'm the stress head lol


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Guest Sam2000

Hi sarah, if you're paying for food and activities to start with I would say around $500 a week. I spend around $200 a week on food so if you don't go to lots of pay activities and take picnics then you could reduce the $500 considerably it all depends on what you do when you get here. My hubby took 10 days off before starting work. I was glad he didn't take more so I could get into a routine. Good luck xx

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I agree with sam2000. About 500 per week and if your savvy with pack ups and watching what you spend you should be fine. We had a month before i started work and it was good to have the time to get over the lag( must have taken at least 10 days due to us all sleeping at different times), find car, house and furniture. If youve already got some of that sorted then itll give you chance to spend time have a look about. I wouldnt say you would need any longer than 4 weeks, but everyones different. The biggest hurdle we came over was our son- who was 4 then. He turned into a monster, i think due to tiredness and big change. That took a week or so to sort out. Good luck!

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I think your hubby's work is right and you will need the time to settle in. Where are you going to be settling. People earn all different wages from high to low here in Aus just like everywhere else so have seek out the bargains when watching the pennies. I buy my soap powder in five kilo lots from the Reject Shop, Not Quite Right etc. Its not popular brand but does the job, lets face it who really gets dirty these days and we see all the ads about power for this and power for that in soap powder when all our clothes need is a wash not a stain remover etc. Also pick up cleaning products at these places as they are cheap sort of like the Pound Shop.


Supermarket it depends what type of things you buy, if you buy fresh you can each cheap and go for the daily specials. Processed food has GST on it so its more expensive. Only fresh food is GST free.


Buying furniture second hand through the trading post is a good idea, people get rid of their furniture everytime the fashion changes and you can pick up real good bargains, no GST on second hand furniture either. Freecycle is good if you need to find some things to tide you over till the container arrives, just need to join.


It you are near to the markets then they are the place to go.


It will all fall into place so just arrive, chill and relax first.

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