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Hopefully coming to Oz at some stage.....


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Hi all,


Just thought I would introduce myself as I may be bending your ears at times for advice.


I am currently in the hunt for a job down under as a diesel/plant mechanic, and will hopefully receive 457 sponsorship for me and my family. Things are rolling along and I am in touch with a couple of agencies and employers over there.


I will be keeping an eye on here for useful tips and information in the name of good research.


At the moment it looks like we will be based in either Perth, WA or Rockhampton, QLD depending on the roll, so I will be looking for info on these primarily.


Anyway I look forward to chatting with a few of you.





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Guest jackoanddebs

Hi Dansi,


I've just got a job in Perth on a 457 visa, I will be working for a company called Downer EDI give them alook on the internet



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  • 2 months later...
Guest The Ropey HOFF

Best of luck Dansi, I haven't heard rave reviews on here about Rockhampton, but we have been to Perth and Brisbane and both places are fantastic.

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Hi Dansi,


Yeah it was through Acorn people, did youdo the same?



Have been and made my eCV with them down in Wales. Just waiting for Downer or BIS to come back wit a response, seems to be some sort of hold up with feedback (however all negative feedback has been provided so I've made the short list lol). How have you found the process? Mind if I add you as a friend as we could be colleagues at some stage hehe.


When do you get out there btw???

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Hi Dansi - Good Luck with your search of employment.


We have been to Rockhampton and OH's uncle lives there, so if you any questions, I can pass them on for you.


Thanks Candygirl will bear that in mind when we have a better idea of location.

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Guest jackoanddebs
Have been and made my eCV with them down in Wales. Just waiting for Downer or BIS to come back wit a response, seems to be some sort of hold up with feedback (however all negative feedback has been provided so I've made the short list lol). How have you found the process? Mind if I add you as a friend as we could be colleagues at some stage hehe.


When do you get out there btw???

Yeah been to Wales done all the interveiws and medicals all for Downer going out there in three weeks, there was abit of a hold up on the Oz side as they used Australian agents. I had to provide references from my old employers, so if I was you I would get them sorted now and e-mail them off to Acorn as this will cut the drag factor.


Good luck with everything


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References are all done, Arran spoke with my last 3 employers and got it all from them lol. I think that the current deal is that Downer will not be looking to take any more on until your batch gets out there and they see how it goes so could be a while for them yet, BIS are dragging their heals at the moment too which isn't great but apparently Acorn have a new client coming onboard this week so see how that goes,


What was Downers package like? As in relocation etc.....


Had a couple of offers from the other side of the Island but they are not FIFO and don't really offer the basic that I would like to be really secure out there, looks like it is just sit it out and wait time.


Good luck though, I bet it's exciting and nerve wracking at the same time.

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Guest jackoanddebs

I spoke to Julian yesterday and Downer are booking the flights this week!!! With regards to the relocation there hasn't been much said, they will meet us at the airport with a company called Perth Orientation Services, who have the accommodation sorted and they even show you all the sights in Perth. Apart from that that's it, I've had very little from Downer in the form of information.


I mentioned to Julian that we have made contact on this website, and that you are waiting for notification so hopefully he might push yours through a bit faster, you never know!!!


I think the other company are in construction so hopefully things might open there.


Yeah it is a bit of both, got to go and buy a new suitcase this weekend, but I don't know the weight limit or what to pack, apart from shorts & 'T' shirts lol


Goodluck with either company and keep in touch.


I will let you know what Downer are like when I get over there.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Yeah been to Wales done all the interveiws and medicals all for Downer going out there in three weeks, there was abit of a hold up on the Oz side as they used Australian agents. I had to provide references from my old employers, so if I was you I would get them sorted now and e-mail them off to Acorn as this will cut the drag factor.


Good luck with everything




Hi Guys, hows things going? Any news on departure date yet?


I still haven't heard back from Acorn, seems to be dragging out. But I will get there eventually.


Take care



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Guest jackoanddebs

Hi Simon,

I fly next Monday, so got to get a move on with the packing and re-packing as the weight limit is only 20Kg for ALL the luggage excluding hand luggage. I was a bit shocked with that, but check with the airline before hand. I must admit the time line from the initial interveiw to getting the visa stage done and dusted took about 3 months then a further 3 weeks for the flight. It is fustrating but I think it's worth the wait.

Good luck and looking forward to meeting all of you out there.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest jackoanddebs

Hi Simon,

I landed in Oz on the 24th April and what a place, nice and hot the night time temp over here has been an average of 16c which is nice! After a days grace to get over the sleep deprivation it's straight down to the business of house hunting and sorting out phones, bank accounts (which can be sorted from the UK), and getting the PPE for work. The PPE is your work stuff, boots, trousers, shirts, hard hat, gloves and safety glasses.

Hope everything is going fine with yourself with regards to your move over. Keep me informed mate.


Good luck


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Hiya Jacko,


Good to hear from you and that things are to your liking.


Things seem to be moving really slowly at the moment, Spoke to Julian the other day and there's not a lot going on there end. I am waiting on a revised Letter of Offer from OAQ group over near Brisbane, which isn't FIFO but is quite a nice set up, but we'll see.


Keep me updated and drop my name in with the HR lot when you see them hehe.





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  • 1 month later...
Guest hgvmech

Hi all, just thought I would jump in on this thread to also say hello and thanks for the above info, I am also a hgv / diesel mech looking to get a 457 to Perth and it has been a great help.




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Guest kepi nik

Hi all

i also thought i would jump on this post as my oh is a hgv diesel fitter and we are also looking at the 457 visa route, please keep us updated guys on your progress

cheers kerry x

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