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Carpenter looking for work in Brisbane/Sunshine Coast...!!!


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Hi there


We are making the big move over to Oz in June & have decided to head to the Sunshine Coast.

My husband has a 175 Skilled Independent Visa.

We are hoping he can secure a job before we go as this will take the pressure of us financially, but there isn't much on offer for Carpenters around Brisbane & the Sunshine Coast (or indeed anywhere).


Can anyone advise how easy he will find it to get work in Oz?? Can he expect to struggle to find work?


Also, what are the earnings roughly for an experienced Joiner/Carpenter??


Look forward to hearing from u... :)

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Interested in your post as we have got our visa grant and hope to move to Brisbane (end date for visa is the 23 sept 2012) My husband is also a carpenter and would really love to get some feedback re jobs over there at the mo. Would be ideal if he could secure work prior to us moving as with a young family it would make me sleep easier !!! I keep searching gumtree and careerone but if its anything like here in Ireland I think its a matter of going on site and get contacts etc.

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Sounds as though you are in a very similar situation to us. We also have to be out there for October 2012.

We too have been pain-stakingly trawling thru all the various recruitment websites, but its soul destroying when there seems to be nothing.

I'm starting to lose sleep over this as we have 4 small children. So well accustomed to 'getting by' as we are with very little left in the copper pot, its totally different on the other side of the world with no support.

My hubby has always secured jobs based on reputation & past contacts & has never had to apply/interview for a job so this is all new to us. Like you say, its probably a case of getting over there & getting on to the sites, but we will have absolute bare-minimum funds to last whilst we do that so he will need to find something in the first couple of weeks....:((

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Yep we are deffo in the same boat... my husband has worked for the same company since 2000 (hes 31) so its gonna be very new to him trying to look for work. Our kids are 5, 2 and then a 6 month old so its gonna be very stressful. But I think we have to do it or we will be left wondering 'what if' for the rest of our lives. Like you say we are barely scraping through each month here (no thanks to our stupid government) and wont have much savings as such except the sale of our house. Which we hope to buy a house outright in Brisbane or at the very most with a very small mortgage. Thats if we can even sell up as house sales in Ireland is crap at the mo so may have to rent it out which will leave us with hardly anything for the move. I will have to stay at home with the kids too so I cant work. My brother lives in Brisbane North (30 mins to Sunshine) the past 5 years. He is deffo living the dream over there so I really have to go and find out if its right for us. Securing a job for the other half is vital tho. I think the reality is kicking in for us now. We started the visa process thinking it could take years.. and now its here we are nervous to say the very least!!! Nice to hear from someone in the same boat tho :-)

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My hubby is also 31! Our kids are 10, 8, 6 & 4 months!

We sold our house in the recession at a loss, so unfortunately have to rent for the long-term (which seems very expensive, another big worry!!) :((


Very exciting times, but the financial butterflies are kicking in now Christmas is over & the move is becoming a reality.

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Wow you must be busy! We wont be making a loss as such but we put so much into this house and would only expect to get what we paid. Altho we got to be thankful I guess when you see other peoples situations. Have you booked your flights? How did telling family n friends go? We havent got flights booked yet as we said we will sit down in the New Year and sort that out. Now its here and Im a nervous wreck! Do you work? I worked in hotel reservations before giving it up to stay at home with kids so no real qualifications as such.

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It is a bit gutting to pay a mortgage for 12 years & then walk away with nothing, but there are people that were hit harder than us during the last couple of years so I'm not complaining :0)

We haven't booked anything yet. Got lots of quotes for flights, shipping, holiday rental, longer term rental etc. We are hoping to go in June, so we are gonna give it another month or 2 post-xmas to research the job/wages situation & when things look a little more positive we will book flights. You are very lucky having family to go over to. We have planned this move for 5+ years now, so we didn't have to tell family as such, its kind of always been something thats been on the cards.

I've been at home with my kids since they were babies. Went back to work when my 6 year old started school as a NVQ2 Teaching Assistant, but then got pregnant with baby number 4. So my hubby will be the only bread winner for a while.

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