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Guest ANDY101

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Guest ANDY101

An issue that keeps coming up in conversation is spiders. Neither my wife nor eye are very keen on them! So what experiences have you had? What do you know?


Thanks in advance (I think!)


Andy & family

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Guest Alison1967
An issue that keeps coming up in conversation is spiders. Neither my wife nor eye are very keen on them! So what experiences have you had? What do you know?


Thanks in advance (I think!)


Andy & family


Used to be quite phobic about them as a child. Still hate them but strangely enough they didn't overly bother me when over in Oz last year.

The huntsman ones get quite large and do startle you when you see them but just chicked them into the garden as they are good at getting small bugs.



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I had this vision that Oz was FULL of spiders everywhere you go !!!! :shock:

I have been here 5 months and seen 2.

The mossies are more of a nusiance :x

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Guest Missiemo

Hi Loz



Are the mossies as bad as going to Europe as I am always bitten and often the bites turn infected.


My mum tells me I have sweet blood, not sure about that!


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Guest stephanielouise981

I was in Australia for 2 months in 2000 and saw one tiny jumping spider, but thought it was going to kill me - it didn't though.


Then I was out there this year for a month and saw a HUGE spider (a huntsman) but my step dad told me to stop being a wuss and that it was just a baby - eek! I also saw a white tail, which is a decent size and butt ugly. Most species of huntsman are harmless but the white tail can give you a painful bite - although not harmful!


The spider you have to watch out for is the red back - which is small and black with a red hourglass shape on its back. If you get bitten by one of these then you can get quite sick and may need anti-venom so would need to go straight to hospital.


Melbourne does have a type of funnel web but it is not deadly like the sydney funnelweb - although I don't have any idea how you can tell the difference. Maybe you could ask it where it's from.


I'm a wimp when it comes to these. Apparently we should be more scared of snaked in Vic than spiders - that's not very reassuring though.


Steph xxx

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Guest ANDY101

Thanks guys - I feel greatly reassured now (I think!). Mosquitos are a worry as well - I am lunch as far as the little buggers are concerned!


I'm sending off my application for registration with the Victorian Institute of Teaching tomorrow - it's been a nightmare to put together - finding all the old certificates etc. But its done now! Another step on the road to Oz...





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Guest Alison1967
Thanks guys - I feel greatly reassured now (I think!). Mosquitos are a worry as well - I am lunch as far as the little buggers are concerned!


But they hate Tea Tree Oil :wink:


Good luck with the application.



















I'm sending off my application for registration with the Victorian Institute of Teaching tomorrow - it's been a nightmare to put together - finding all the old certificates etc. But its done now! Another step on the road to Oz...





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Hubby is a 3 course meal to them but they dont seem to want me !!!! - is there something I dont know :? They just annoy me.

There are some great lotions on the market that actually work. I routinely just spray my house.

No Mo I wouldnt say its worse than Europe - i just hate the little buggers !!!!

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Hiya Mo


Im fine and dandy thanks !!!

The weeks are flying by - you will be here in no time.

weather has been lovely this week although its a bit foggy this morning.

Ill have a word with Mr Sunshine to make sure hes still about for when you come !!

take care


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Guest Missiemo

Hi Loz



Oh my goodness it is four weeks today, brickie it!!!! do not no what is concerning me the most, proberly the flight if I am honest.


What is the temp@ at the moment, is it winter now, or autum, when does spring start.


What time does it get dark at night in the winter and summer.


Wow so my questions, even though I am scared I am so excited as well, remind me again what part of Victoria are you.


Speak soon


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Hi Mo


Temp is about 19 at the minute - its lovely

Its Autumn and think winter starts next month - not sure though - maybe someone on here has a better idea of when the seasons change.

It gets dark about 5.30pm

The flight is not as bad as you think. I was dreading it but it really is ok.

Not long now - about 28 sleeps as they say !!!!! :D


Take care


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  • 3 years later...



Where moving to sydney end of November and I completely obsessed with spiders particularly the funnel web. Can anyone ease my mind. I seem to have convinced myself that they are all around everywhere you go which is ridiculous I know. I have a 1 and a 3 years old and its really worrying me? We are looking at the areas around Cronulla.

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