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Question for Lauren H...

Guest Beki

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Guest Beki

Hi Lauren, you seem to be all knowing on the Migration Issues and wondered if you could point me in the right direction.


We have submitted our visa application already, my husband is a plumber/gas fitter and we have got the TRA recocnition for him and we're just waiting now for our CO and visas.


I am trying to get myself organised so I too have everything in place so that once we get to WA Perth I can apply for jobs too. I am a primary sch. teacher with B.Ed.Hons. degree. I have looked into AEI-NOOSR and read that, "it does not provide assessments of teaching skills for teachers who have already obtained their permanent residential status in Australia". (That'll be me won't it?)

I have tried to contact the registration authority and the employment authority for WA but so far haven't heard anything.

I also read on arrival in Australia I should contact the relevant authority...

I would like to know what I should have ready eg. references, employment proof (what kind of proof will they want?) and will I have to do a skills assessment at all?


I do hope you or someone can help, I've come to a bit of a dead end and need to keep busy while I sit a wait for our Visas!


Many thanks Beki :D

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