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Which year will my child be in?

Caroline Baxter

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My youngest daughter will be 11 in November of this year which makes her birth date as November 2000. We are heading out to Melbourne in January ready for the new school year. Could anyone tell me what school year she will be in in Australia, at the moment she has just started year 6.

Look forward to any replies.




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She would probably go into Year 6 in Feb, my son was 11 in May and has just started secondary school in the Uk, but because of his age, he too will be going into Year 6 in Aust next year. I could probably get him into year 7 but he would then be the youngest in the class - not such a big deal when you're 11 and others are 12-13 but a big difference when you're 16 and the others are 17-18.

I've spoken to my son about this and he is happy as he knows he'll be going in with an advantage of already having done UK year 6, you're daughter will also have this to some extent. Added to this, they do teach different things in Australia, so it's not a bad thing.

Best of luck to you.

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not such a big deal when you're 11 and others are 12-13 but a big difference when you're 16 and the others are 17-18.


I don't think it's that big a deal when 16 and others are 17-18 either, speaking as one who was in that position. In fact I quite enjoyed it


Depends on the individual kid, of course!


Good luck. As per the above post, I am pretty sure she will be in Yr 6. And as stated, it's not like she'll actually be "re-doing" anything. And will only have done a term of Yr6 in the UK anyway

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Grade 6 (7th year of primary) sounds right. My daughter was 12 in June and has just started secondary school in Scotland in August. It is a bit different here to the English system, primary lasts longer (ends after primary 7, 7th year of primary. She will start in Melbourne in year 7/ the beginning of secondary school in Melbourne in Feb and will be the same age as her classmates. I think she will be generally a bit ahead in most things, due to the extra 6 months in secondary and a bit to do with the system but possibly behind/coming from a different perspective in a few. We are definitely all happier this way rather than trying to go up to the next year level and older kids as this way can minimise academic pressure as she settles in.

You will also be in a much better position than us in that you will be in the right time and place to get info about secondary schooling,attend info nights at leisure and might decide to apply for private school scholarships or out of zone schools if that is feasible and better for your child....

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