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I am currently on a 457 work visa (originally from the UK) and I am currently 3 years into that visa (4 year visa). I have been seing my Australian fiance now for over 2 years and we have been living together for approximately 2 years. We have recently found out that my fiance is pregnent (4 months). My dillema is, do i apply for the 820 spousal visa now ($2950) or if i wait until the birth of the child is there a more cost effective option? I'm not really sure what options are available or which is the best route to take in order to stay with my fiance and my future child. Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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Congratulations on your good news!! Even after your child is born, your partner will require a visa to stay in Australia - I'd go down the spouse visa route.

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Your visa costs are the same with or without kids I'm afraid. The only advantage in waiting until baby is born is that it might mean you can go straight to PR rather than the temp spouse visa.


I think (haven't looked at the paperwork properly since we sent hubby's app in at the end of June) if you've been defacto for 3 years without children or 2 years with children then they may go straight to the 100 visa rather than the temp visa.

It usually takes AGES to gather the info and evidence together anyway, so if you can wait, take your time and submit as soon as you'll be eligible for the permanent visa!

It's not any cheaper (same fee covers both visa's - I think), but it will save you the trauma of having to complete more paperwork and wait yet again.


**edit **


congrats by the way!!!

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thanks for the good advise, i'll start putting together the application. I was thinking of getting an agent to help with the application but it seems to be pretty straight foward to be honest so i think we'll do it ourselves. Any tips or hints when doing the application?

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