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Going it Alone!!

Guest SJ

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Keep reading about all the families and couples moving out to Oz and starting to wonder whether I am mad for doing it alone! Just been offered a job (subject to Visa approval) in the Sydney area!! Sort of seems an opportunity I can't say no to! Anyone else out there doing the same??



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Me and my partner are off to Melbourne Jan06, a bit scared, alot more excited about our new adventure, personlly i would just go for it, you can always come back to the UK.

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Guest kazzy01



I thought I would reassure you by letting you know that you are not the only one going it alone to Oz!


I have just come back from a trip out there. I loved it out there but am too old to get a working holiday visa, but luckily thanks to my profession, should be able to get a skilled visa.


I'm still in the early stages I'm waiting to hear back about my skills assessment (should hear by end of August) and fingers crossed it will be a green light so that I can send off the main application.


I am undecided about where to move to, either Melbourne or Perth. I didn't really like Sydney that much, too big for my liking, but loved Melbourne. I've heard amazing things about Perth though, so even though I haven't been there, I am considering that as an option.


Anyway good luck with your move.



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hi sj


I too am going on my own to Sydney. Got a 4 year working visa. My girlfriend will be coming, but prob not for about 3/4 months.


so i will be in the same boat too (sort of!)


i work in recruitment, what do you do?

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  • 2 years later...
Guest gezz peter

hi sj my friend went out alone to sydney a couple of months ago she was a bit down at first and even considered coming home but now she has made loads of good friends and is really happy in perth she's glad she stuck it out & now she's living it up!

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My recommendation to you is that you just go for it!! Believe me the decision will be a whole lot harder if sometime in the future you decide to go with an OH and a couple of kids in tow!!


In hindsight, I wish we'd stayed there the first time round when we were on Working Holiday Visas, but for various reasons we thought it best to come back and give settling down a go.


So, just do it!! - what's the worst that can happen?? I'm sure it'll be the experience of a lifetime and an opportunity that won't come round twice.


best wishes



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