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Hello from Dubai


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We're newies from Dubai!

Just passed the TRA and our application was sent Aug, so far no reply!

Hoping to move to Adelaide.

I'll be on here asking lots of qu's!!!

M x


Hi Guys, :idea: (Trying to look suitably Exotic!)


Welcome to PIO. Only been to Dubai the once a few years ago & we loved it. It was just prior to the Big Feb Shopping Xtravaganza & we never hit the beach, we found the city fascinating (& we don't like cities much - live in the middle of Nowhere!) I just wish I'd known how to buy gold, it was all so confusing, but amazing. I just hope all the rampant development won't spoil the place, we thought it had a unique ambiance and serenity - even being so busy! So how come the move? I admit I'd like to return, & would recommend it as an exotic vacation destination (apart from the construction!) but probably wouldn't be a place I'd want to spend years in.... (Don't like the heat that much!)


Well done on getting the old TRA passed, that's one big hurdle crossed, but expect it all to take up to 12 months from now... To get your Visa, depending on how organized they are NOW; we've been awaiting a Case Officer since June. I don't know if you'll have problems getting Police checks there, which you wouldn't necessarily send in until you have a Case Officer, but may want to depending on how long it takes to receive them from Dubai Police? The main thing is to be thorough, read the application like it's an exam! You'll need to itemize every place you've lived for more than 3-months in 12 over the last decade, which can get a bit tricky, all birhtdates/places for close members of your family, EVERY job & detail of non-work time periods, etc., etc., +++ Loads of EVIDENCE! They want to know stuff that you've probably forgotten LONG ago!! :cry:


You've gotta practice being patient, apparently, then spend time reading all the really helpful Threads herein, which are bound to be both INFORMATIVE & ENTERTAINING - what more could you want?! Oh! Yes - ask away; someone is bound to come up with a helpful reply! Just try not to become obsessed!!!!!


Good Luck with the process, M,



Herbster (Considered a move to Adelaide, but now leaning towards Tassie)

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Guest clayton gang

We're newies from Dubai!

Just passed the TRA and our application was sent Aug, so far no reply!

Hoping to move to Adelaide.

I'll be on here asking lots of qu's!!!

M x




Just wanted to say welcome to PIO. I'm sure you get lots of help from these very friendly people.



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