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I recently got back a positive assesment and a letter saying WA will sponsor me if i lodge a visa application within 3 months.


This morning i got an email to say 30th June is the cut off so I. So I really only have a month. I need a TRN to include on the signed form and then send it back.




When I apply for a visa (my agent is working on this) can you just pay and save it or does it all need to be filled in and correct to get a TRN? How long does it take from when you pay and apply to getting a TRN number?


Do you need to post the signed form or can you scan it and email it?


They seem to have cut 2months of the validity of the sponsorship which is a bit rough.

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Guest katie0499



When I apply for a visa (my agent is working on this) can you just pay and save it or does it all need to be filled in and correct to get a TRN? How long does it take from when you pay and apply to getting a TRN number?


>> You need to fill it ALL up. The last page of the application is the payment. You will get a TRN immediately after you pay


Do you need to post the signed form or can you scan it and email it?


>> I printed, signed, scanned and emailed the WA approval form.

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When I apply for a visa (my agent is working on this) can you just pay and save it or does it all need to be filled in and correct to get a TRN? How long does it take from when you pay and apply to getting a TRN number?


>> You need to fill it ALL up. The last page of the application is the payment. You will get a TRN immediately after you pay


Do you need to post the signed form or can you scan it and email it?


>> I printed, signed, scanned and emailed the WA approval form.


Urmmm, spot on Katie !! :biggrin:

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Guest Pixie10

Martync were the same- we got our SS SA yesturday and it says we need to accept with TRN number by 23 June!!! Take by surprise with how quick we got SS and now we are rushing to get visa sorted to lodge! So much for a few months validity- we got 3 weeks!!


Thanks for answering those questions I was wondering too.

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Guest Pixie10

Thanks Bensmum yeah I agree- all the deadlines has defo push us into acting quicker and we want to lodge asap to be in the system before July and whatever that brings! Just waiting on OH passport and 1 of my references then were ready to lodge!!!!!

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Worth noting though that it's only the application form that needs to be complete at the time of lodgement. If you're still tying up some supporting documentation that's ok and can be attached to the application subsequently.


Filling in the form is simple enough, so you should be fine to lodge within the next month as long as you've been preparing some of yuor backing docs while waiting for state sponsorship

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Guest Pixie10

Thanks cjdrum so really once we get OH Passport (due today or tomorrow) we could complete application, pay and get tra number and then later (ie next week) upload my refererence (Im a teacher and schools on half term this week so wont get ref back this week!)???


Oo interesting- thank you- sorry for hijacking thread Martync! :smile:

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Guest VickyMel

We filled in our online application and paid - we then got the TRN and the application is lodged.


You then have 28 days to upload all the supporting documentation to your application.

(Keep a note of your password and user name etc)

If you don't get some essential things in in that 28 days I think DIAC have the right to say you have not provided the evidence and dump you. But at the same time I don't think anyone looks at them to check until your application reaches a CO - so if you are cutting it really fine you might risk it (but things are moving to COs quickly at the moment)?


We were able to add some further documents a year later when I updated my passport.

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Thanks for the info and no problems about taking MY thread over :-) :-)

I havent even been told what info I will need to give with the visa yet. i only just filled in my form to the agent and accepted all the terms and conditions etc...

There is some info I dont know and I havent got references yet, its going to be close


Does anyone know theprocessing times - I have conflicting info and some seem to get granted a visa within a month or two. i thought it took a year or more????


PIXIE we may be on the same plane in a few months!

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