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WHV and Sponsorship

Guest PerthGlory

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Guest PerthGlory

Hi - I'm hoping someone has been in a similar situation and can offer advice. I am 32 and 'too old' for a WHV but my fiance is 28 and can still get one. Neither of us qualify for a skilled visa so we're hoping to go over and that he will get sponsored whilst on the WHV, my question is this though - I will have to go on an extended tourist visa (shouldnt have any issues, have funding and relatives will certify we can stay with them) so if he manages to get sponsored, will I be entitled to be sponsored with him (we're not married yet, but can have the ceremony before we go if that helps!)


Any feedback would be greatly appreciated as we're both giving up jobs to go and of course, at the moment its not like there are a lot of jobs to come back to if it fails!


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If you have been living together as a DeFacto couple, then you can be added to his visa as a partner. I'm not sure on the time requirements for DeFacto on a 457, but I'm sure someone else will be along to clarify.

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Guest PerthGlory

Thanks RockDr. Yes we're together 8 years, living together for the last 2 so I assume this would cover us.


Thats great news - I really appreciate your help!

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