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Phil Down Under

Guest Scotinaus

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Guest Scotinaus

Has anyone else been watching Phil Down Under (on to its second season now)? It always makes me laugh and cringe at its portrayal of life over here for Brits. People who catch wombats at nights, make boats, work as a vet for “less hour and more money”, etc, etc. I am sure these are all real examples of Brits who emigrated here but they don’t strike me as typical. The show seems to imply that people here work six hour days and spend the rest of the day at the beach ( haven’t been to the beach in over a year, but then again I do live in Melbourne!)….:laugh:


I am not sure about his property choices either…. I can only speak for the Melbourne episodes but this season he took the family to…. Frankston!! At the risk of offending anyone who lives there, it is not exactly what I would call the quintessential Melbourne suburb. I am sure even those who live there would admit it is a bit rough around the edges… I suppose Phil did have a tough job on his hands though as most of the budgets for houses these families have are totally unrealistic and they all want four bedrooms, a pool and a massive living area for about $300K. Dream on, unfortunately! House prices here are crazy, even if they have stagnated a bit…The other Melbourne place they visited was Geelong. Inner Melbourne didn’t actually feature at all (apart from the shots of Fed Square, Flinders St station, etc).


Anyway, I was just interested in others thoughts. I do love Phil really – it would be good if Kirsty came out as well! :cute:

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Guest gail2010

I agree the same as the show wanted down under was so different to the life and suburb I live in! they made it look easy to get a beautiful house near the beach and still commute to work!!! I love Australia but it really is like a mini version of UK and America!


I feel sorry for everyone that is waiting for the dream and excited to watch these programs I rem the torture waiting to here and I wouldnt go home to the UK (arrived here in december) but its not always a case of the grass is greener. Aus is an expensive place to stay! I havent found them as pleasant and laid back the driving here is awful seen so many near accidents. Alot of people here are happy to push in and not wait there turn queue jumping in shops seems the done thing and they dont care!!

Its pouring of rain for the 2nd day here so feels just like being in scotland!

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I have seen a couple of them, one about Frankston which was depicting Frankston South and is an expensive area to live in and the other in Queensland.


The Frankston people were quite unrealistic with their budget for homes around where they were looking, up towards the border with Mount Eliza you do not get much for under $600,000 in that area if anything at all. As it was they were going to have to upgrade the property they were finally interested in and that would not come cheap these days.


The Queensland couple wanted a bigger and bigger home for them and their two children why so big who knows.


The people are not typical migrants, most would not have the money that these migrants have and it would be much harder for them, hence they are not on the programme because they would not be able to afford houses that would interest the viewing public.


As for inner Melbourne they would not use that as typical either and lets face it a lot of it is pretty grotty, never understand why people want to live in Richmond for example, old workers cottages, falling down. Grotty grotty as far as I am concerned.


We cannot show the would be migrants the grotty bits :laugh:

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Guest Scotinaus

I love Richmond! :-) But places like South Yarra, Prahran, St Kilda, East Melbourne, Carlton, etc are never shown and these are lovely places (and plenty of Brits live in them).


Oh well, its only a TV show.... ;-)

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I saw the Queensland episode last week - What was that all about? What was with the big, bigger, biggest house? I hope they realise soon that in Aus nobody gives a stuff about the size of your house. Qulaity of life is what counts. Give me a cosy little house in a good area and a couple of mil in the bank anyday.


And when will they add Tassie to the map? I think an episode on Lonny, Hobart and some Tassie couuntryside would be far more entertaining than a hour stuck in Frankston.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

This series of Phil down under wasn't as good as the last one, but its difficult for anyone emigrating from the uk now, unless you have 500,000 to a million dollars to spend on an house. I don't think anyone is fooled by these programmes, only a numpty wouldn't do there research into going and with the exchange rate being chronic, it is the worst time ever to migrate. Still love big Phil though.

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Guest Scotinaus

Agree Tassie should be on there - stunning place and awesome wine!! The Gold Coast episode was hilarious? Who is he going to impress with a massive house anyway??


Still, food entertainment anyway. I should see if I can get on one for Brits returning to the UK from Oz! :)

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