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Setting up a buisness

Guest jase2482

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Guest jase2482


Does anyone know how or the route you take to set up a business in Australia. Also is it possible to set the business up before we arrive. If you can give me any info i would really appreciate it.





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Guest The Ropey HOFF

I don't know the answer to this, but i have replied to put it to the front, so hopefully someone will reply.


All the best.

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Guest gemfromoz

Hiya Jase,


Sorry, I was going to reply earlier but had hoped someone else would come on with their more personalised advice.


I had a business in Oz (online membership club), it was very very small.


Vague memory indicates the following:

You need an ABN if you register for GST. The threshold changes but I think its approx 50K a year turnover. Sometimes its good just to have this as most companies will ask for it/expect it anyway. Its free.



You will also need to register a trading name (although I think you can avoid this if you are a sole trader). A sole trader is someone doing contract work, for instance, getting paid without the "employer" taking tax out. Sole traders are responsible for their tax, insurance etc liabilities.



You will also need an accountant (obviously).


You may find this website useful:



Hope this helps, but sorry I can't help as I have never done it overseas.




P.s this page tells you what you need to complete an ABN application:


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