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Partner Visa

Guest beckstar81

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Guest beckstar81



Background: Im uk resident, on working holiday visa arrived in melbourne 27-07-10, met husband 08-08-10 and moved in 2 months later, trying for baby at same time (medical evidence to support this) and got married 25-04-11 (fast i know but we just knew..) So I am fast running out of time on my working hol and going to apply for partner visa in about a month when i have the $2525!


Firstly, does anyone see any issues with me applying for a partner visa this quickly? I have seen on forums that immigration likes to see you living together for 12 months before you apply, or is that just for defacto?


Any help would be appreciated on the above but i have a few specific questions!

1. What type of medical is required for a partner visa

2. How do you go about getting uk police checks when living in aus and any idea how much they cost?

3. Is it frowned upon if you dont have a joint account - we have not had time to go to the bank together (hubbie works 7 days a week!)


Thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer!

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Guest soopheh

I can't help you too much I'm afraid, as I'm in a fairly similar situation (except not married, and have known my boyfriend for longer) and asking similar questions myself. I believe the 12 months living together isn't as important if you're applying on the base of your marriage (rather than de facto), but you might have difficulties proving you are in a genuine relationship without the bank accounts etc. Perhaps you should phone some banks and see if you can make a joint account without him actually being there, if you brought in his ID? Do it with a bank he already has an account with? Still, not sure if this is doable/how easy this would be.


Anyway, just thought I'd throw in my two cents worth and bump this up for you. I know there are people here that will give you really helpful answers.


All the best!

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Guest GeorgeD

Answers in RED



Background: Im uk resident, on working holiday visa arrived in melbourne 27-07-10, met husband 08-08-10 and moved in 2 months later, trying for baby at same time (medical evidence to support this) and got married 25-04-11 (fast i know but we just knew..) So I am fast running out of time on my working hol and going to apply for partner visa in about a month when i have the $2525!


Firstly, does anyone see any issues with me applying for a partner visa this quickly? I have seen on forums that immigration likes to see you living together for 12 months before you apply, or is that just for defacto?


I applied 2 months after getting married. We had never lived together before the wedding and my wife went back to Oz 5 days after we got married and I remained in the UK, so we didn't even live together AFTER we got married.


Any help would be appreciated on the above but i have a few specific questions!

1. What type of medical is required for a partner visa

Go to a panel doctor from the list on the DIAC website. They do these all day every day, so you don't really need to specifiy what is done. They do blood test, urine tests, weight you and a doctor looks you over. You also need a chest x-ray done. Check the doctor can do all of them (not all have x-ray facilities) and you can have it all done at the same time. Took me about 40 mins total.


2. How do you go about getting uk police checks when living in aus and any idea how much they cost? The form is downloadable fromt eh ACPO website here http://www.acpo.police.uk/documents/ACRO/20110412%20ACRO%20Police%20Certificate%20Application%20Form%20v15.pdf You pay by UK cheque/postal order/bankers draft. If you can't do any of these, send the completed form and documents to someone in the UK who can do it for you then get them to post it. The cheque doesn't need to be from your bank account.


3. Is it frowned upon if you dont have a joint account - we have not had time to go to the bank together (hubbie works 7 days a week!) We didn't have one till I had my full visa in Australia, so no, as long as you have other evidence then it's fine.


Thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer!

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the 12months requirement doesn't apply to married couples, but you do have to prove it is a genuine relationship. Things that might help:

Are you listed on each other's car/contents/health insurance?

Have you drawn up wills that name each other as beneficiaries?

Are any of the household bills/lease in both your names?

Do your bank statements show evidence of joint finances? (e.g. transfers to each other)

Have you paid for travel for each other?

Who paid for the venue etc of the wedding?

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Guest hels

Unless things have changed since i got my spuse visa in Oct last year, you do need 12 months of livign togeather eviedence . I married my husband in the jan, applied in the june and granted in the oct, this was with a year of eviedence of living together prevoius to the marriage. They are pretty strict on this, we got joint bank accounts, wills, bills , car insurance etc

I belive if you have been togetaher and married for over 5 years you can go stright to perm visa or have been defacto with kids also but ive never heard them waiveing the 12 month of eviedence. Alot of people think the spouse/defacto visa is easy to get and if you have researched it and collected everything required it is simple but its not an easy ticket into oz, plus they increase the prices in June or July yearly i belive .

Good luck

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Guest danniecorizza



Yes you still have to prove you have been living together but this drops from 12 to 9 months for married couples.

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Guys, can we stick to the actual requirements rather than pulling facts out of thin air? There is no 12month rule for married couples, nor is there a 9month rule. You need to be married, currently living together or not apart on a permanent basis, and show evidence of a genuine and ongoing relationship. The 12months only applies to DeFacto applicants.



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Guest GeorgeD

You don't need to have lived together for 12 months if you are married.


My wife and I had spent 2 years living in different countries prior to getting married. We had NEVER lived together before marriage. No joint bills, loans or financial commitments.


When we got married, we still couldn't live together as I couldn't go live and work in Oz, so we were apart immediately after the wedding.


We named each other as beneficiaries in our wills, showed bank records of transfers between us and she named me on her car insurance when I went out to visit on a tourist visa after applying for the partner visa but before it was granted. We didn't have any other documentary evidence at time of application. We explained all of this in our statements and detailed how we planned on combining our affairs once I was granted residency. We argued that we were living apart on a temporaray basis until I had a visa which would allow me to live with her. She couldn't move to the UK as her daughter had settled in life and school in Oz and that was the best place for her to grow up.


I sent some further documentation as it appeared after the application had been made and my CO asked for more evidence of an ongoing relationship (a joint lease I signed with her even as a non-resident, the property manager had no issue with it), but really not much. We only ever got a joint account after I got my visa.

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Guest beckstar81

Thank you all so much for your help - really usefull to me and I feel much more confident now that I can do this!



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Guest beckstar81

Hi I have another question that i thought you might be able to help with! I know this might seem like a stupid question but anyway here goes! .. Im from UK applying in Aus for the partner visa, so is it a UK police check or an Aus one i need? Thanks in advance!

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you need a check for any country you've lived in for 12months in the last ten yrs (or since you were 16 if you're under 26), and the country you are currently living in, since you will have been a good few months in australia by the time the visa gets granted.

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