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Has anyone built with Goodlife Homes? Reviews/Comments please!


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My husband and I are holding a block of land in Beeliar and are in the process of having plans drawn up with Goodlife Homes. So far the process is going really well and they certainly seem good value compared to other builders, but I have read some very bad reviews online aswell as good reviews. We have not signed anything yet so I was just wondering if anyone had any experiences they could share before we commit as we are very nervous first home buyers!


Many thanks,


Amy and Paul

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  • 10 months later...
Guest kewldude80

Hey Amy/Paul,


I just finished building with Good Life..Yesterday I had my PCI.....Not Good...........If you know what you want than they are ok..If you rely on them that they gonna perform and suggest u everything...U r doing a mistake.........Keep everything in writing as at the end they are going to deny what they discussed verbally......be prepare for couple of months delay at the end of construction from lock out to keys handover as they got what they wanted till up to 2nd last payment and they are not much interested in your situation that you are getting desperate now for getting in to your new home and unnecessarily paying rent.......Good thing is they have very knowledgabe sales consultant and helpfull too... But their Supervisor generally get involved with more than 20 jobs simultaneously so you can imagine what you gonna get.....This is what's been happened to me...may b u will get different feedback from another people........DO LOOK for GARAGE DIMENSION because in order to save money they gonna put less ht in and i will feel trouble if you have Fourb Wheel or future plan of buying 4 Wheel...... PM me if you need any further details......All the best.....

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest JimmyC

Hi Amy and Paul,


I used to work for Goodlife Homes. I have nothing bad to say about Goodlife.


I have been in the building industry since moving to Perth

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