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5 months on the Sunshine Coast


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Well, it is five months ago that we landed at Brisbane airport. The time has flown and we have done so much that it would take hours to tell you all, so I will try to make it as brif as possible.


When we landed we did all the usual stuff of sorting out semi-permanent accomodation, car purchase, Medicare, banks, private health, drivers licenses. We were luckier than some as most of my family live here and for me it was a homecoming. So, for at least one of us there was, even after 13 years away, an element of familiarity.


It was fabulous to catch up with children and grandchildren and we had a good old OD on that for a few weeks, which my wonderful, non-child-friendly hubby stood up to very well.


Within a month we moved into our rental in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland, in a town called Beerwah. My husband had never been to Australia before and to be honest only came because I was so homesick. So I was not sure how he would be with it all.


I am delighted to report that every day he tells me how lovely people are to him. He is so surprised by the warmth of the people and how comfortable he feels here. We are both stunned by the beauty of the area in which we live, it is heaven on earth (in our opinion) and now he says that while he misses the history and culture of Europe he would not actually want to live permanently anywhere else.


A few weeks after moving into the rental house we started hunting for our forever home, thinking it would take quite a while to find, all the while nervously watching the depressing exchange rate. However, it took us a few false starts and just over a month to find it and we settled on it in late February.


We were lucky enough to be able to stay in the rental while we decorate and prepare our home and wait for our belongings to arrive. The house is progressing, we have changed the lighting and added power-points etc and are now fully into decorating, with help from two of my daughters, which as been amazing. We are still in that process, but hope to be finished within the month. Especially as this week our container lands in Brisbane, so a few more weeks and we should be quite settled. We hope!


All has not been perfect though, getting used to the demands of my larger than usual family, especially after being away for so long, while balancing my husband's relatively low tolerance of dozens of children running around, has been one challenge. But the stress of living in temporary accomodation in France and Italy after selling our home in the UK, breaking my ankle badly while living in France, coping with my husband's visa application, all while running a business, has taken it toll. Not to mention having to leave our beautiful dog in France with friends as she failed her blood tests!


So, last week after having a whole batch of tests, as I just was so exhausted, I found I have developed Type 2 diabetes, thank goodness I got private health insurance sorted out when I arrived. So, now a complete change of pace is needed while we get fit with diet and exercise and try to get things back in balance.


In spite of that, all in all we are loving it here, we have bought a gorgeous home, with 12' raked ceilings, gorgeous timber floors, wrap around verandas, and fabulous mountain views, with a 10 metre slawater pool, all on 3/4 acre. Incidently, all that, for the same as we sold our detached four-bedder on a tiny block and by a fairly busy road, in the Dorset countryside.


Family matters are finally settling down to the point of normal activity levels and we are enjoying that more each day. We are looking forward to being here for our eldest granddaughter's dance recital in a few weeks and Grand Parents Day at her school shortly after.


Business is going well and we are sorting out the transfer of investments etc. The cost of living is higher than expected, considerably so. But, that will be balanced as we will grow so much of our own vegetables and fruit. We even have a pineapple growing in our back garden, and are watching each time we visit to see when it is ripe enough to pick. It is such a thrill to have avocados, lemons and mandarines all growing in the garden too.


The other bonus to keeping our cost of living down is that, as a surprise for his 65th birthday in February (shhh, don't tell him I told you) and for bringing me home, I bought Graham a 4.5 meter "tinnie" complete with full canopy, storm covers, fish-finder, the works, so he plans to catch fish for the freezer.


So, while our planned "semi-retirement" is not as "semi" as we initially hoped, we need to work on for a few more years to top up losses from the exchange rate and lower sales prices for UK properties, we are loving life here and delighted we made the move.


My advise for anyone planning the move, whatever your age or circumstances, is that nothing is perfect, but Queensland is as near to it as you will get :biglaugh:


Wishing you all a smooth and happy journey to wherever you want to be.



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